
remove silent parts from specified video files

Primary LanguagePerlGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


rmsilence - remove silent parts from specified video files


rmsilence is a Perl script for automatically removing silent parts (video segments with silent audio tracks) from video files. For every video file specified as command-line arguments, rmsilence uses the silentdetect audio filter in FFmpeg for detecting silent parts in a video file. Non-silent parts are extracted from the original video files, and those files are concatenated as a single video file. All video files without silent parts are stored in the output directory (/tmp by default). You can specify the output directory with -d option.



rmsilence video.flv
mpv /tmp/video.flv
mkdir out
rmsilence -d out *.flv


Simlpy copy the script rmsilence to any directoary in your search path. An example session on UNIX systems:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/h-ohsaki/rmsilence/master/rmsilence
sudo install rmsilence /usr/local/bin


The latest version of rmsilence is available at https://github.com/h-ohsaki/rmsilence .


Hiroyuki Ohsaki (ohsaki[atmark]lsnl.jp)