
docker-compose files for wordpress


This repository contains docker-compose files for Wordpress. I have tuned parameters for a server which has CPU 2 core and Memory 2 GB.


  • Docker
  • docker-compose


  • Wordpress
    • php-fpm 7.3
  • Nginx
    • Enabled http2
    • Enabled client-side cache (html/js/css/png/jpeg/gif/webp)
    • Enabled fastcgi cache
      • Wait up to 30 minutes if the change is not reflected
      • Set permalink as Day and name
    • Redirect http to https
      • Disabled HSTS for developments
    • Redirect PNG and JPEG files to WebP for EWWW Optimizer
  • MySQL 5.7


  1. change database password on docker-compose file (temporary password is CHANGE_ME)
  2. generate certifications to nginx/etc/nginx/ssl
  3. docker-compose up

About certifications

Generate certifications for test

openssl genrsa -out nginx/etc/nginx/ssl/server.key 2048 \
 && openssl req -new -sha256 -key nginx/etc/nginx/ssl/server.key -subj "/C=JP/CN=localhost" -out nginx/etc/nginx/ssl/server.csr \
 && openssl x509 -in nginx/etc/nginx/ssl/server.csr -days 3650 -req -signkey nginx/etc/nginx/ssl/server.key > nginx/etc/nginx/ssl/server.crt

Generate certifications with certbot