
Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT



This library suppor-ts Domo api endpoints to administer your data and users, giving you the power and flexibility to get the most out of Domo. It is built with go version go1.14

Reference: https://developer.domo.com/docs/api-overview/api-overview


*go get

    go get -u github.com/rakutentech/go-domo-api


  • This package use golang environmrnt variable as setting. It uses os.Getenv to get the configuration values. You can use any enivronment setting package. One of the common package is godotenv from https://github.com/joho/godotenv.

General Configs

No Environment Variable default Required Explanation
1 DOMO_API_URL "" Yes Domo api url
2 DOMO_CLIENT_ID "" Yes Domo ClientID
3 DOMO_CLIENT_SECRET "" Yes Domo Client Secret
4 DOMO_PROXY_URL "" No Proxy URL to access to DOMO from a proxied environment
5 DOMO_AUTH_SCOPE "data" No Domo Auth token scopes. (data, user, workflow, datasboard, account, audit, buzz) It can be specified with multiple values. Separated by comma(,).


 import domoapi "github.com/rakutentech/go-domo-api"

 //Create DomoAPI
d := domoapi.NewDomoAPI()

//Create accessToken
 tk, _ := d.CreateAccessToken()

// Create Domo dataset
dataset := &DomoDataset{
		Name:        "Leonhard Euler Party",
		Description: "Mathematician Guest List",
		Rows:        0,
		Schema: &Schema{
			Columns: []Column{
					Type: "STRING",
					Name: "Friend",
				}, {
					Type: "STRING",
					Name: "Attending",
		Owner: &Owner{
			Name: "DomoSupport",
			ID:   27,
ds, _ := d.CreateDataset(dataset, tk)

//Get DatasetID
dID, _ := d.GetDatasetID("dataset_name", tk)

// Get Data from dataset
data, _ :=d.GetDataByDatasetID(tk, "dataset_id", true)

//List all datasets
datasetList, _ := d.ListDatasets(tk)

Sample Configuration

  • Create a .env file and add the setting value