vim | vi Cheatcode


This is a cheatcode|cheatsheet of some commands or tricks of vim/vi.

Basic Commands

Command Description Similar commands
i Insert mode
Esc Command mode
:w Write or save
:q Exit
:q! Exit with discard changes
:wq Save and Exit :x , ZZ

Movement Commands

Command Description Similar commands
h Move cursor to left left arrow key
j Move cursor to down down arrow key
k Move cursor to up up arrow key
l Move cursor to right right arrow key
$ Move cursor to end of line
0 Move cursor to first of line
w Forward cursor word by word W
b Backward cursor word by word B
:<num> Move cursor to line
G Move cursor to last line of document
Ctrl+f Page Down
Ctrl+b Page up

Delete Commands

Command Description Similar commands
x Delete char under cursor like as delete
X Delete char before cursor like as backspace
dw Delete word
D Clean line content
dd Delete line
<num>dd Delete lines
dG Delete entire line below

Replacement Commands

Command Description Similar commands
r Replace char with new char
R Replace mode ( Replace inserted chars until ESC pressed )

Undo & Redo Commands

Command Description Similar commands
:undo Undo u
:redo Redo Ctrl+r
U Undo all changes

Copy & Past Commands

Command Description Similar commands
yy Copy line
p Paste below line
P Paste after line
<num>yy Copy lines
v Visual mode ( You can select and Copy with y or Cut d )

Search & Replacement Commands

Command Description Similar commands
/<string> Forward Search about
?<string> Backward Search about
:s/<lookup>/<replacement> Search & Replacement on nearest line just one time
:%s/<lookup>/<replacement> Search & Replacement on multi lines just one time
:s/<lookup>/<replacement>/g Search & Replacement on nearest line
:%s/<lookup>/<replacement>/g Search & Replacement entire of document