
RabbitMQ Puppet Module

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


####Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with rabbitmq
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  6. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  7. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


This module manages RabbitMQ (www.rabbitmq.com)

##Module Description The rabbitmq module sets up rabbitmq and has a number of providers to manage everything from vhosts to exchanges after setup.

This module has been tested against 2.7.1 and is known to not support all features against earlier versions.


###What rabbitmq affects

  • rabbitmq repository files.
  • rabbitmq package.
  • rabbitmq configuration file.
  • rabbitmq service.

###Beginning with rabbitmq

include '::rabbitmq'


All options and configuration can be done through interacting with the parameters on the main rabbitmq class. These are documented below.

##rabbitmq class

To begin with the rabbitmq class controls the installation of rabbitmq. In here you can control many parameters relating to the package and service, such as disabling puppet support of the service:

class { '::rabbitmq':
  service_manage    => false,
  port              => '5672',
  delete_guest_user => true,

Or such as offline installation from intranet or local mirrors:

class { '::rabbitmq':
   key_content      => template('openstack/rabbit.pub.key'),
   package_gpg_key  => '/tmp/rabbit.pub.key',

And this one will use external package key source for any (apt/rpm) package provider:

class { '::rabbitmq':
   package_gpg_key  => 'http://www.some_site.some_domain/some_key.pub.key',

Environment Variables

To use RabbitMQ Environment Variables, use the parameters environment_variables e.g.:

class { 'rabbitmq':
  port              => '5672',
  environment_variables   => {
    'RABBITMQ_NODENAME'     => 'node01',

Variables Configurable in rabbitmq.config

To change RabbitMQ Config Variables in rabbitmq.config, use the parameters config_variables e.g.:

class { 'rabbitmq':
  port              => '5672',
  config_variables   => {
    'hipe_compile'  => true,
    'frame_max'     => 131072,
    'log_levels'    => "[{connection, info}]"

To change Erlang Kernel Config Variables in rabbitmq.config, use the parameters config_kernel_variables e.g.:

class { 'rabbitmq':
  port              => '5672',
  config_kernel_variables  => {
    'inet_dist_listen_min' => 9100,
    'inet_dist_listen_max' => 9105,


To use RabbitMQ clustering facilities, use the rabbitmq parameters config_cluster, cluster_nodes, and cluster_node_type, e.g.:

class { 'rabbitmq':
  config_cluster    => true,
  cluster_nodes     => ['rabbit1', 'rabbit2'],
  cluster_node_type => 'ram',



  • rabbitmq: Main class for installation and service management.
  • rabbitmq::config: Main class for rabbitmq configuration/management.
  • rabbitmq::install: Handles package installation.
  • rabbitmq::params: Different configuration data for different systems.
  • rabbitmq::service: Handles the rabbitmq service.
  • rabbitmq::repo::apt: Handles apt repo for Debian systems.
  • rabbitmq::repo::rhel: Handles yum repo for Redhat systems.



Boolean, if enabled sets up the management interface/plugin for RabbitMQ.




Choose between disk and ram nodes.


An array of nodes for clustering.


Value to set for cluster_partition_handling RabbitMQ configuration variable.


The file to use as the rabbitmq.config template.


Boolean to enable or disable clustering support.


Hash of Erlang kernel configuration variables to set (see Variables Configurable in rabbitmq.config).



Configuring queue mirroring should be done by setting the according policy for the queue. You can read more about it here


The path to write the RabbitMQ configuration file to.


Boolean to enable or disable stomp.


To set config variables in rabbitmq.config


Username to set for the default_user in rabbitmq.config.


Password to set for the default_user in rabbitmq.config.


Boolean to decide if we should delete the default guest user.


The template file to use for rabbitmq_env.config.


The path to write the rabbitmq_env.config file to.


RabbitMQ Environment Variables in rabbitmq_env.config


The erlang cookie to use for clustering - must be the same between all nodes.


Uses content method for Debian OS family. Should be a template for apt::source class. Overrides package_gpg_key behavior, if enabled. Undefined by default.


Boolean, set to true to enable LDAP auth.


LDAP server to use for auth.


User DN pattern for LDAP auth.


Boolean, set to true to use SSL for the LDAP server.


Numeric port for LDAP server.


Boolean, set to true to log LDAP auth.


Boolean, whether or not to manage package repositories.


The port for the RabbitMQ management interface.


The value of RABBITMQ_NODE_IP_ADDRESS in rabbitmq_env.config


Determines the ensure state of the package. Set to installed by default, but could be changed to latest.


RPM package GPG key to import. Uses source method. Should be a URL for Debian/RedHat OS family, or a file name for RedHat OS family. Set to http://www.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmq-signing-key-public.asc by default. Note, that key_content, if specified, would override this parameter for Debian OS family.


The name of the package to install.


What provider to use to install the package.


Where should the package be installed from?


Location of RabbitMQ plugins.


The RabbitMQ port.


The state of the service.


Determines if the service is managed.


The name of the service to manage.


Configures the service for using SSL.


Configures the service to only use SSL. No cleartext TCP listeners will be created. Requires that ssl => true also.


CA cert path to use for SSL.


Cert to use for SSL.


Key to use for SSL.


SSL management port.


SSL stomp port.


rabbitmq.config SSL verify setting.


rabbitmq.config fail_if_no_peer_cert setting.


The port to use for Stomp.


Boolean to install the stomp plugin.


Boolean to enable TCP connection keepalive for RabbitMQ service.


Sets the version to install.


Boolean to determine if we should DESTROY AND DELETE the RabbitMQ database.

##Native Types


query all current users: $ puppet resource rabbitmq_user

rabbitmq_user { 'dan':
  admin    => true,
  password => 'bar',

Optional parameter tags will set further rabbitmq tags like monitoring, policymaker, etc. To set the administrator tag use admin-flag.

rabbitmq_user { 'dan':
  admin    => true,
  password => 'bar',
  tags     => ['monitoring', 'tag1'],


query all current vhosts: $ puppet resource rabbitmq_vhost

rabbitmq_vhost { 'myhost':
  ensure => present,


rabbitmq_exchange { 'myexchange@myhost':
  user     => 'dan',
  password => 'bar',
  type     => 'topic',
  ensure   => present,


rabbitmq_user_permissions { 'dan@myhost':
  configure_permission => '.*',
  read_permission      => '.*',
  write_permission     => '.*',


query all currently enabled plugins $ puppet resource rabbitmq_plugin

rabbitmq_plugin {'rabbitmq_stomp':
  ensure => present,


This module has been built on and tested against Puppet 2.7 and higher.

The module has been tested on:

  • RedHat Enterprise Linux 5/6
  • Debian 6/7
  • CentOS 5/6
  • Ubuntu 12.04

Testing on other platforms has been light and cannot be guaranteed.

Module dependencies

To have a suitable erlang version installed on RedHat and Debian systems, you have to install another puppet module from http://forge.puppetlabs.com/garethr/erlang with:

puppet module install garethr-erlang

This module handles the packages for erlang. To use the module, add the following snippet to your site.pp or an appropriate profile class:

For RedHat systems:

include 'erlang'
class { 'erlang': epel_enable => true}

For Debian systems:

include 'erlang'
package { 'erlang-base':
  ensure => 'latest',

Downgrade Issues

Be advised that there were configuration file syntax and other changes made between RabbitMQ versions 2 and 3. In order to downgrade from 3 to 2 (not that this is a terribly good idea) you will need to manually remove all RabbitMQ configuration files (/etc/rabbitmq) and the mnesia directory (usually /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia). The latter action will delete any and all messages stored to disk.

Failure to do this will result in RabbitMQ failing to start with a cryptic error message about "init terminating in do_boot", containing "rabbit_upgrade,maybe_upgrade_mnesia".


Puppet Labs modules on the Puppet Forge are open projects, and community contributions are essential for keeping them great. We can’t access the huge number of platforms and myriad of hardware, software, and deployment configurations that Puppet is intended to serve.

We want to keep it as easy as possible to contribute changes so that our modules work in your environment. There are a few guidelines that we need contributors to follow so that we can have a chance of keeping on top of things.

You can read the complete module contribution guide on the Puppet Labs wiki.
