Understanding limitations of UDF's with faunadb-js
- Supply admin key of an already existing DB in .env as FAUNA_SECRET
- npm install
- tsc
- node lib/function.js
Why? Because it was not clear to me how faunadb-js handles non-supported features of javascript or typescript:
Let({ thing1: arg as Thing },
Gets transpiled into a UDF
Query(Lambda("ref", Let({ thing1: Var("ref") }, Var("thing1"))))
I wish it failed more explicitly during compilation.
That said, if you want to take advantage of features of ts/js in a UDF
then you would
need to implement them before calling query
.query(Call(Function("let_test"), "hey" as Thing))
.then((response) => console.log(response));
This would fail, but it is just to demonstrate where it should be used.