
Mostly visual experiments with odds and ends.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Experimental visual bits

Just browsing tutorials.

Current state

  • Movement is tracked in .tracked-area debounced 10ms.
  • Layout/width issues without placeholder text in trackpad.

Screenshot 2023-05-25 221016 Screenshot 2022-12-02 234407


Three js - e.g.

Eventually move on to using: https://github.com/pmndrs/react-three-fiber

Randomization fed into state.

Will this be mobile-first for once??

Considering whether experiment will want a backend and some data at some point.

Swipey effect? how to verify without production...

Far-away times: TypeScript

Tools and libraries

  • Vite + React
  • Threejs (...not yet)

Hybridized these helpful snips via Josh W Comeau:


  • Ant Design for some odds and ends (icons, color ref, maybe a button).


Foibles to avoid

  • For whatever reason despite cloning an empty repo, I needed to git init again? husky installation was not working otherwise.
  • Someday soon this 11-year-old warning will hit me. Just dos2unix-ing it away...