
An android library to make swipe more easier and more powerful. Android各种侧滑,有这一个就够了

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


library smart-swipe smart-swipe-support smart-swipe-x
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A smart swipe android library helps you make View (and Activity) swipes easier.

In addition, to facilitate the use, SmartSwipe encapsulates the following tool classes:

  • SmartSwipeBack:
    All Activities slide back in an easy way via a single line code.
    without any super activity class; without translucent theme; without any code into BaseActivity; without any code into xml layout files;
  • SmartSwipeRefresh:
    With a single line code to achieve swipe refresh and load more. Compatible with vertical and horizontal
  • SwipeConsumerExclusiveGroup:
    Manages a set of exclusive SwipeConsumers, can only open one at a time.


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Translucent Sliding
Drawer above
Drawer behind
(factor is settable)
Doors Open
Shutters Open

Create a cover

Doors open Shutters Open Drawer Open

Activity sliding back

All Activities slide back in an easy way via a single line code.

  • without any super activity class;
  • without translucent theme;
  • without any code into BaseActivity;
  • without any code into xml layout files;
Back via release velocity
Translucent Sliding Back
Back with bezier
Like doors open
Like shutters open
Global Usage


First add SmartSwipe to your project

implementation 'com.billy.android:smart-swipe:latestVersion'

Nested scrolling only compatible after android api above 21(android 5.0) with core library(smart-swipe)

Add extension library to compat for android support library or androidX like below:

implementation 'com.billy.android:smart-swipe:latestVersion'
//compat for android support library
implementation 'com.billy.android:smart-swipe-support:latestVersion'


implementation 'com.billy.android:smart-swipe:latestVersion'
//compat for android x
implementation 'com.billy.android:smart-swipe-x:latestVersion'

SmartSwipe can be used by chain programming within a single line code. The usage of API looks like follow:

SmartSwipe.wrap(...) 		//view or Activity
	.addConsumer(...) 		//add a SwipeConsumer
	.enableDirection(...) 	//Specifies which side of the slide the SwipeConsumer will consumes
	.setXxx(...) 			//[optional] some other Settings
	.addListener(...); 		//[optional] add listener(s) to the SwipeConsumer

Sample code:

//	When view cannot scroll vertically (or scrolling to the top/bottom), 
//	if continue to drag, the UI will show elastic stretching effect, 
//	and smooth recovery after release
	.addConsumer(new StretchConsumer())

Add more than one 'SwipeConsumer' to the same View. Such as:

	.addConsumer(new StretchConsumer())
	.enableVertical() 					//Stretch effect at directions: top and bottom
	.addConsumer(new SpaceConsumer())
	.enableHorizontal() 				//Space effect at directions: left and right

Click here for more details about SwipeConsumers

Activity slides back with a single line of code globally

SmartSwipeBack.activityBezierBack(application, null);	//bezier shows while swiping
SmartSwipeBack.activityStayBack(application, null);		//Back via release velocity
SmartSwipeBack.activitySlidingBack(application, null);	//sliding with pre-activity relative moves
SmartSwipeBack.activityDoorBack(application, null);		//finish activity like doors open
SmartSwipeBack.activityShuttersBack(application, null);	//finish activity like shutters open

Click here For more Details

Add swipe refresh to a View via a single line code

//the second parameter within xxxMode:
// false: works vertically(swipe down to refresh and swipe up to load more)
// true: works horizontally(swipe right to refresh and swipe right to load more) 
SmartSwipeRefresh.drawerMode(view, false).setDataLoader(loader);
SmartSwipeRefresh.behindMode(view, false).setDataLoader(loader);
SmartSwipeRefresh.scaleMode(view, false).setDataLoader(loader);
SmartSwipeRefresh.translateMode(view, false).setDataLoader(loader);

You can use default headers and footers, and you can also customize your own.

The refresh extension library(smart-swipe-refresh-ext: Download) will include some fancy third-party headers and footers.

here is the first one(Based on Ifxcyr/ArrowDrawable):

refresh arrow

Click here For more Details

SmartSwipe features:

  • support for 4 directions swipe( left/top/right/bottom)
  • supports adding multiple SwipeConsumers to the same View(/Activity)
  • supports nested usage
  • support to use for list items in ListView and RecyclerView and the list itself
  • compat for NestedScroll (android support library and androidX)
  • A dozen of built-in SwipeConsumers effects
