
Youtube Clone

Primary LanguageJavaScript


It is a fully responsive Youtube Clone made using React.js as FrontEnd and Node.js as a BackEnd & Sequelize (MYSQL) as a Database .


  1. Proper Authentication system with signup,login,email verification,forgot password
  2. Secured Node.js RestFul API's with JWT
  3. Upload / Edit / Delete Video
  4. Search video by Channel Name,Title,Description
  5. Add video to WatchLater
  6. Trending Videos
  7. Trending Videos By Category
  8. Like/Dislike Video
  9. Subscribe/Unsubscribe from Channels
  10. Comment On Video
  11. Edit Profile
  12. Liked videos
  13. History
  14. Recommended Channels
  15. Subscribed Channel Feeds


Login/Signup Page

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Video Player Page

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Trending Page

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Profile Page

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Other User Profile Page

Screenshot (25)


👤 Himanshu Sachan

👤 Ujjwal Singh

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