This project is not releated to Mojang and respects it's guidelines. Minecraft is a trademark of Mojang Synergies AB.
Minecraft info is a Discord bot written 100% in Node.js.
Please note: information like the bot's token has been removed. Please, create a .env file and write DISCORD_TOKEN=your_discord_token in it.
Default prefix: !
- ping: Returns the response time between when the command is received and when the answer is sent.
Usage: !ping
- help: Displays the command list. If a command is specified, gives additional info about the command. The command always works even with the default prefix.
Usage: !help [command]
- prefix: Displays the current prefix for the server. If an argument is specified, changes the server's prefix into the argument.
Usage: !prefix [new prefix]
- server: Checks server's online status and online players.
Usage: !server <ip address>
- uuid: Displays the uuid of the specified player.
Usage: !uuid <name>
- player: Displays player's name, uuid, skin, cape and name history.
Usage: !player <uuid>
- Servers info: Minecraft Server Status
- Skins and avatars: Crafatar