

Primary LanguageRuby

MariaDb continuous integration infrastructure (MDBCI)

MDBCI is a standard set of tools for testing MariaDb components on the wide set of configurations. The main features of mdbci are:

  • automatic creation of virtual machine set by configuration template
  • automatic deploy MariaDb/Galera and other packages to VM nodes, running configuration procedures
  • support MariaDb repos on all available platforms (more than 300 at the moment)

Current version

Current version of mdbci is 0.6 (beta)


Following features are under development and will be available in the next versions of mdbci:

  • Support remote Linux systems as mdbci nodes
  • Support PPC boxes
  • Support qemu images (libvirt)
  • Support kvm (libvirt)
  • Support Docker nodes


This section describes MDBCI architecture, workflow and other technical details.


  • Box is a description of virtual machine image template. For vagrant provider the box have the same meaning; for AWS EC2 box is similar to image. Boxes described in boxes.json file.

  • MDBCI is a standard set of tools for testing MariaDb components on the wide set of configurations.

  • MariaDb is an enhanced, drop-in replacement for MySQL. It contains several set of components which can be used in standalone configurations and in cluster based heterogenous systems.

  • Node is a particular instance of virtual machine of its description.

  • Product is a description of the particular version of software which is being under control of MDBCI. Current version supports next products:

    • mariadb -- MariaDb server and client
    • maxscale -- Maxscale server and client
    • mysql -- Mysql server and client
    • galera -- Galera server and clients
  • Repo is a description of package repository with particular product version. Usually, repositories are described in repo.json formar and collected in repo.d directory (see. repo.d files)

  • Template is a set of node definitions in template.json format. Templates are being used for setup a teting cluster.


MDBCI uses vagrant with set of plugins as the VM backend manager. It's written with Ruby in order to seamless integration with vagrant. Next releases will be partially converted to vagrant plugins.


Install Pre-requisities

echo "deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian trusty contrib" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/virtualbox.list
wget -q https://www.virtualbox.org/download/oracle_vbox.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install virtualbox-4.3

sudo apt-get install ruby
sudo apt-get install libxslt-dev libxml2-dev libvirt-dev zlib1g-dev
wget https://releases.hashicorp.com/vagrant/1.8.1/vagrant_1.8.1_x86_64.deb
sudo dpkg -i vagrant_1.8.1_x86_64.deb

Vagrant plugins pre-install

vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws
vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt
vagrant plugin install vagrant-mutate

Ruby modules pre-install

sudo gem install ipaddress

Install mdbci

  git clone https://github.com/OSLL/mdbci.git

Install boxes locally

Usually vagrant boxes are available remotely and they are being download at the first run of vagrant up. MDBCI uses only checked boxes and they should be downloaded before first start. Note: in the next version of MDBCI this step will be run automatically.

  ./mdbci setup boxes

Known boxes could be displayed by

  ./mdbci show boxes


Currently, we use vagrant commands for running/destroing virtual machines. In Future releases it will be shadowed by mdbci.

There are next steps for managing testing configuration:

  • Boxes and repos preparation
  • Creating stand template
  • Running up virtual machine cluster
  • Running tests
  • Destroing allocated resources

Creating configuration

MDBCI generates Vagrant/chef files from template. Template example is available as instance.json. You can copy this file with another name and tailor configuration for your needs. It's possible to create multi-VM stands.

Since new template is created you can generate stand structure.

  ./mdbci --override --template mynewstand.json generate NAME

In this example MDBCI will generate new vagrant/chef config from mynewstand.json template. It will be placed in NAME subdirectory. If name is not specified than stand will be configured in default subdirectory. Parameter --override is required to overwrite existing configuration.

NB Many stands could be configured by MDBCI in subdirectories. Each stand is autonomous.

Configuration files

MDBCI configuration is placed to the next files:

  • boxes.json
  • repo.d directory and repo.json files
  • templates
  • aws-config.yml


The file boxes.json contains definitions of available boxes. His format is commented below (NOTE real json does not support comments, we used ## just for this documentation).


  ## Example of VirtualBox definition
  "debian" : { ## Box name
    "provider": "virtualbox",
    "box": "https://atlas.hashicorp.com/.../virtualbox.box", ## Box URL
    "platform": "debian",
    "platform_version": "wheezy"
  ## Example of AWS Box Definition
  "ubuntu_vivid": {
    "provider": "aws",
    "ami": "ami-b1443fc6",  ## Amazon Image ID
    "user": "ubuntu",       ## User which will be used for access to the box
    "default_instance_type": "m3.medium",  ## Amazon instance type
    "platform": "ubuntu",
    "platform_version": "vivid"
Available options
  • provider -- virtual machine provider
  • box -- virtualbox image if provider is virtualbox
  • ami -- AWS image if provider is Amazon
  • platform -- name of target platform
  • platform_version -- name of version of platform
  • user -- user which will be used to access to box
  • default_instance_type -- default instance size/type if provider is amazon

repo.d files

Repositories for products are described in json files. Each file could contain one or more repodefinitions (fields are commented below). During the start mdbci scans repo.d directory and builds full set of available product versions.

   "product":           "galera",
   "version":           "5.3.10",
   "repo":              "http://yum.mariadb.org/5.3.10/centos6-amd64",
   "repo_key":          "https://yum.mariadb.org/RPM-GPG-KEY-MariaDB",
   "platform":          "centos",
   "platform_version":  6
   "product":           "galera",
   "version":           "5.3.10",
   "repo":              "http://yum.mariadb.org/5.3.10/centos7-amd64",
   "repo_key":          "https://yum.mariadb.org/RPM-GPG-KEY-MariaDB",
   "platform":          "centos",
   "platform_version":  7
Available options
  • product -- product name
  • version -- product version
  • repo -- link to the repo
  • repo_key -- link to repo key
  • platform -- name of target platform
  • platform_version -- name of version of platform


Templates describe particular stand configuration and have json format. Usually templait contains next blocks:

  • Global config
  • Nodes definitions
Global config parameters

The are next global optional parameters

  • cookbook_path -- replaces path to cookbooks.
  • aws_config -- if AWS is used. It specifies aws_config.yml file. Note If this parameter is specified, mdbci will all nodes interpret as AWS nodes.
Node definition

Node definition could contain next parameters:

  • hostname -- name (and hostname) for VM instance
  • box -- box mane according boxes.json file
  • product -- product block definition

Product block definition looks like as an example:

    "product" : {
      "name": "mariadb",
      "version": "10.0.20"

For Galera product defined some additional parameters for galera server.cnf configuration, for example:

    "product" : {
      "name": "galera",
      "version": "10.0",
      "cnf_template" : "server1.cnf",
      "cnf_template_path" : "../cnf",
      "node_name" : "galera0"

If you want to use non standard configuration for box/product (for instance, you need to install centos6 package with mariadb to centos7 with some particular version) you can use hard repo name link like

    "product" : {
      "repo": "mariadb@10.0.20_centos6"

Extra information about matching boxes, versions and products could be found in corresponded section


This file contains parameters which are required for access to Amazon machines. We intentionally keep ньд format to have compatibility with other tools. Next keys are available in this file

  • access_key_id -- AWS access key id
  • secret_access_key -- secret access key
  • keypair_name -- private key name
  • security_groups -- List of amazon security groups
  • region -- AWS region
  • pemfile -- pem file
  • user_data -- extra user parameters
  • public_ip_service -- curl to aws metadata for public ip4 address
  • private_ip_service -- curl to aws metadata for private ip4 address

Here is an example

   access_key_id : 'your_access_key_id_from_aws'
   secret_access_key : 'your_secret_access_key_from_aws'
   keypair_name	: 'your_keypair_name'
   security_groups : [ 'default', 'vagrant' ]
   region : 'eu-west-1'	
   pemfile : '../maxscale.pem' 		# your private key
   user_data : "#!/bin/bash\nsed -i -e 's/^Defaults.*requiretty/# Defaults requiretty/g' /etc/sudoers"
   public_ip_service : "curl"
   private_ip_service : "curl"

Box, products, versions

MDBCI makes matching between boxes, target platforms, products and vesions by lexicographical base. If we have a look at the output of next command

./mdbci show repos 

we can see something like this:

galera@5.1+debian^squeeze => [http://mirror.netinch.com/pub/mariadb/repo/5.1/debian squeeze main]
galera@5.1+debian^jessie => [http://mirror.netinch.com/pub/mariadb/repo/5.1/debian jessie main]
galera@10.0.16+rhel^5 => [http://yum.mariadb.org/10.0.16/rhel5-amd64]

It means that each exact product/platform version combination is encoded


In cases, when we need to use default product version on particular platfrom this encoding will be

mdbe@?+opensuse^13 => [http://downloads.mariadb.com/enterprise/WY99-BC52/mariadb-enterprise/5.5.42-pgo/opensuse/13]

where mdbe@? means default mariadb community version on Opensuse13 target platfrom.

Supported VM providers

MDBCI supports next VM providers:

  • VirtualBox 4.3 and upper
  • Amason EC2
  • Remote PPC boxes (mdbci)
  • Libvirt boxes (kvm)
  • Docker boxes

AWS nodes

Don't forget add dummy box for vagrant aws provider by following command: vagrant box add dummy https://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant-aws/raw/master/dummy.box

Libvirt nodes

Installation steps: https://github.com/pradels/vagrant-libvirt

While testing libvirt nodes, do not forget to add the current system or server user to libvirtd group and logout. If you use Jenkins, restart it to.

Currently supported boxes:

  • Ubuntu 14.04 (trusty), 12.04 (precise)
  • Debian 7.5
  • CentOS 6.5
  • CentOS 7.0

P.S. You may use vagrant-mutate plugin for converting yours vagrant boxes (virtualbox, ...) to libvirt boxes.

Docker nodes

The docker provisioner can automatically install Docker, pull Docker containers, and configure certain containers to run on boot.

All Dockerfiles store in /mdbci/templates/dockerfiles directory.

Currently supported following containers:

  • Ubuntu 14.04 (trusty)
  • CentOS 6.7
  • CentOS 7.0

MDBCI Syntax

In this section mdbci commands are described. In order to get help in runtime just call mdbci with --help flag:

  ./mdbci --help

General syntax for mdbci is following:

mdbci [options] <show | setup | generate>


-h, --help: Shows help screen

-t, --template [config file]: Use [config file] for running instance. By default 'instance.json' will be used as config template.

-b, --boxes [boxes file]: Use [boxes file] for existing boxes. By default 'boxes.json' will be used as boxes file.

-n, --box-name [box name]: Use [box name] for existing box names.

-f, --field [box config field]: Use [box config field] for existing box config field.

-w, --override Override previous configuration

-c, --command Set command to run in sudo clause

-s, --silent Keep silence, output only requested info or nothing if not available

-r, --repo-dir Change default place for repo.d

-p, --product Product name for setup repo and install product commands. Currently supported products: MySQL, MariaDB, Galera, Maxscale.

-v, --product-version Product version for setup repo and install product commands.


show [boxes, boxinfo, platforms, versions, network, repos [config | config/node], keyfile [config/node] ]


setup [boxes]

sudo --command 'command arguments' config/node

ssh --command 'command arguments' config/node

setup_repo --product 'product name' --product-version 'product_version' config/node Setup product repo on the specified config/node. Install repo and update repo on th node/ Product name and its version are defined by --product and --product-version command option. P.S. SSH access to the MDBCI boxes needs NOPASSWD:ALL option in the /etc/sudoers file for the mdbci ssh user.

install_product --product maxscale config/node Install specified product by command option --product on a config/node. Currently supported only Maxscale product.


Run command inside of VM

  ./mdbci sudo --command "tail /var/log/anaconda.syslog" T/node0 --silent
  ./mdbci ssh --command "cat anaconda.syslog" T/node0 --silent
  ./mdbci setup_repo --product maxscale T/node0
  ./mdbci setup_repo --product mariadb --product-version 10.0 T/node0
  ./mdbci install_product --product 'maxscale' T/node0

Show repos with using alternative repo.d repository

  mdbci --repo-dir /home/testbed/config/repos show repos

MDBCI scripts

MDBCI scripts are located in the mdbci/scripts directory. Their main goal is to setup and control Vagrant infrastructure.

  • ./clean_vms.sh - cleanup launched mdbci virtual machines (vbox, libvirt, docker) at the current platform. One parameter: substring
  • ./run_tests.sh - run tests that does not require virtual machines to be running. One possible named parameter for printing output: [-s true|false]

Run script examples

  ./clean_vms.sh mdbci - find all VMs with ID prefix mdbci* and cleanup them.
  ./run_tests.sh -s true - run tests without output from mdbci inner methods
  ./run_tests.sh - run tests without output from mdbci inner methods
  ./run_tests.sh -s false - run tests with output from mdbci inner methods

Using vagrant to manage stand

Since stand is generated it can be managed with vagrant command. In the future releases it will be shadowed by corresponded mdbci commands

  • vagrant up --provision -- started virtual machines and run chef scripts against them
  • vagrant ssh [node] getting segure shell to [node] machine
  • vagrant ssh-config [node] shows ssh configuration for [node] machine
  • vagrant status -- Shows the status of current stand (if it's being run in stand directory)
  • vagrant global-status -- Shows the host status$ it enumerates all machines on local host
  • vagrant suspend/resume -- Control the state of machine
  • vagrant destroy -- Destroys machines and all linked data

More information about vagrant features could be found in vagrant documentation.


  • Project leader: Sergey Balandin
  • Developers:
    • Alexander Kaluzhniy
    • Kirill Krinkin
    • Kirill Yudenok
    • Mark Zaslavskiy