HKUST VisLab Coding Challenge

Welcome to the coding challenge of VisLab! We have set a couple of challenges for you:

Level 1 & 2 (Basic): Link

HK Temperature Heatmap level1

Level 3 (Intermediate): Link

HKUST Co-author Graph level3

Level 4 and above (Optional)

The followings challenges will take more time to complete and include an open-end bonus part.

Please take only ONE challenge at maximum.

Level 4 (Data Analysis): Link

Spotify's Worldwide Daily Song Ranking

Level 5 (Machine Learning specific): Link

Kaggle competition: Dogs vs. Cats

Level 6 (Fullstack Web Application): Link

Stock Market Chart


  1. Correctness (50%)
  2. Maintainability (50%)


Please create a github repository under your github account, and send us the URL of that repository.

Happy coding!