
Chat client for https://twitch.tv

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

alt text Chatterino 2 GitHub Actions Build (Windows, Ubuntu, MacOS)

This is a fork of Chatterino 2 that enables extra features that aren't currently available on the main Chatterino 2 project.

Features available

  • Multicolor username support (Get a random color each message)

Planned features

  • Choose a set of username colors to choose from (Either a specific palette or a list of colors)

  • Generate random username colors from a base color of choice (Example: Different shades of green or pink, etc.)


Stable builds can be downloaded from the releases section.

To test new features, you can download the nighly build here.

Original Chatterino 2 Readme

Chatterino 2 is a chat client for Twitch.tv. The Chatterino 2 wiki can be found here. Contribution guidelines can be found here.


Current releases are available at https://chatterino.com. Windows users can also install Chatterino from Chocolatey.

Nightly build

You can download the latest Chatterino 2 build over here

You might also need to install the VC++ Redistributables from Microsoft if you do not have it installed already.
If you still receive an error about MSVCR120.dll missing, then you should install the VC++ 2013 Restributable.


To get source code with required submodules run:

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/Chatterino/chatterino2.git


git clone https://github.com/Chatterino/chatterino2.git
cd chatterino2
git submodule update --init --recursive

Building on Windows

Building on Windows with vcpkg

Building on Linux

Building on Mac

Building on FreeBSD

Code style

The code is formatted using clang format in Qt Creator. .clang-format contains the style file for clang format.

Get it automated with QT Creator + Beautifier + Clang Format

  1. Download LLVM: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases/download/llvmorg-15.0.5/LLVM-15.0.5-win64.exe
  2. During the installation, make sure to add it to your path
  3. In QT Creator, select Help > About Plugins > C++ > Beautifier to enable the plugin
  4. Restart QT Creator
  5. Select Tools > Options > Beautifier
  6. Under General select Tool: ClangFormat and enable Automatic Formatting on File Save
  7. Under Clang Format select Use predefined style: File and Fallback style: None

Qt creator should now format the documents when saving it.


Doxygen is used to generate project information daily and is available here.