Password Validator

html5 Angular TypeScript Tailwind CSS

Deployed on Vercel

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 16.1.0.

Application Description:

The application allows you to check the strength of the password. Depending on the complexity of the password, the indicators below the field change color. Here are the password rules:

Mode with 3 indicators:

  1. If the field is empty, all sections are gray;
  2. If the field has less than 8 characters, all sections are red;
  3. If the password consists only one of letters/digits/symbols - the first section is red the rest are gray;
  4. If the password consists two different types of characters of letters/digits/symbols - the first two sections are yellow the last one is gray;
  5. If the password consists all types of characters of letters/digits/symbols, all sections are green;

Mode with 5 indicators:

  1. If the field is empty, all sections are gray;
  2. If the field has only one of letters/digits/symbols:
    • If the field has less than 6 characters - all sections are red;
    • If the field has less than 8 characters - the first three sections are red, the two last are gray;
    • If the field has less than 10 characters - the first four sections are red, the last one is gray;
    • If the field has 10 or more characters - the first two sections are yellow, the three last are gray;
  3. If the field has two different types of characters of letters/digits/symbols:
    • If the field has less than 6 characters - the first three sections are red, the two last are gray;
    • If the field has less than 8 characters - the first one section is red, the five last are gray;
    • If the field has less than 10 characters - the first two sections are yellow, the three last are gray;
    • If the field has less than 12 characters - the first three sections are green, the two last are gray;
    • If the field has 12 or more characters - all sections are green;
  4. If the field has two different types of characters of letters/digits/symbols:
    • If the field has less than 6 characters - the first one section is red, the five last are gray;
    • If the field has less than 8 characters - the first two sections are yellow, the three last are gray;
    • If the field has less than 10 characters - the first three sections are green, the two last are gray;
    • If the field has less than 12 characters - all sections are green;
    • If the field has 12 or more characters - all sections are blue;


Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The application will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory.

Running unit tests

Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.