
Instructions on how to use clang to compile Baidu Apollo codebase and how to extract LLVM bitcodes for Apollo modules

Primary LanguageShell

Apollo+LLVM Notes


  • !!! Do not use dev_start.sh to start dev docker after rebooting the machine

    For the first time of starting Apollo dev docker, you can use bash docker/scripts/dev_start.sh. However, after rebooting, if you still use dev_start.sh, you will lose all previous modifications within the docker, because the dev docker container will be deleted. Using the following commands can avoid such issue.

    Apollo 3.0

    docker run -it -d --rm --name apollo_localization_volume apolloauto/apollo:localization_volume-x86_64-latest
    docker run -it -d --rm --name apollo_yolo3d_volume apolloauto/apollo:yolo3d_volume-x86_64-latest
    docker run -it -d --rm --name apollo_map_volume-sunnyvale_big_loop apolloauto/apollo:map_volume-sunnyvale_big_loop-latest
    docker run -it -d --rm --name apollo_map_volume-sunnyvale_loop apolloauto/apollo:map_volume-sunnyvale_loop-latest
    # Make sure that you can see `apollo_dev` in `docker ps -a` as `EXITED`
    docker start apollo_dev
    bash docker/scripts/dev_into.sh

    Apollo 5.0

    # Copy `dev_restart.sh` in this directory to Apollo's root directory
    cp dev_restart.sh <path to apollo>/docker/scripts
    # Make sure that you execute the following commands in Apollo's root directory
    cd <path to apollo>
    bash docker/scripts/dev_restart.sh
    bash docker/scripts/dev_into.sh
  • May need to delete inconsistent gtest header file

    sudo mv /usr/include/gtest /usr/include/gtest_bak

Compile Apollo using LLVM

(All following commands are assumed to be executed in Apollo dev docker)

  1. Install LLVM

    LLVM 3.4

    # LLVM 3.4
    sudo apt install llvm-3.4 llvm-3.4-dev clang-3.4 libclang-3.4-dev
    # Create soft links
    sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/llvm-config-3.4 /usr/bin/llvm-config
    sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/llvm-link-3.4 /usr/bin/llvm-link

    LLVM 8 (Recommended)

    # LLVM 8
    sudo apt install llvm-8 llvm-8-dev clang-8 libclang-8-dev
    # Create soft links
    sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/llvm-config-8 /usr/bin/llvm-config
    sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/llvm-link-8 /usr/bin/llvm-link
  2. Install whole-program-llvm

    sudo pip install wllvm
  3. Copy wllvm directory to /apollo/tools

    cp -r wllvm /apollo/tools
  4. Before compiling (Apollo 5.0 only)

    1. Modify modules/planning/reference_line/spiral_problem_interface.h

      Change constexpr static size_t N = 10; at line 140 from private to public.

    2. Modify cyber/scheduler/policy/classic_context.cc

      Add alignas(CACHELINE_SIZE) for line 32~35, see the following:

      alignas(CACHELINE_SIZE) GRP_WQ_MUTEX ClassicContext::mtx_wq_;
      alignas(CACHELINE_SIZE) GRP_WQ_CV ClassicContext::cv_wq_;
      alignas(CACHELINE_SIZE) RQ_LOCK_GROUP ClassicContext::rq_locks_;
      alignas(CACHELINE_SIZE) CR_GROUP ClassicContext::cr_group_;
    3. Disable compiler options

      Comment out Line 65~Bottom in tools/bazel.rc.

  5. Compile Apollo

    cd /apollo
    mkdir wllvm_bc  # This directory will contain all seperate bitcode files
    bash apollo.sh build --copt=-mavx2 --cxxopt=-mavx2 --copt=-mno-sse3 --crosstool_top=tools/wllvm:toolchain

    Those copt and cxxopt can be removed, if your machine supports the corresponding instruction sets.

  6. Or compile single module (e.g., planning module)

    ## Apollo 3.0
    bazel build --define ARCH=x86_64 --define CAN_CARD=fake_can --cxxopt=-DUSE_ESD_CAN=false --copt=-mavx2 --copt=-mno-sse3 --cxxopt=-DCPU_ONLY --crosstool_top=tools/wllvm:toolchain //modules/planning:planning --compilation_mode=dbg
    ## Apollo 5.0
    bash apollo.sh build_planning --cxxopt=-mavx2 --copt=-mno-sse3 --crosstool_top=tools/wllvm:toolchain  # recommended
    # Or
    bazel build --ram_utilization_factor 80 --define ARCH=x86_64 --define CAN_CARD=fake_can --cxxopt=-DUSE_ESD_CAN=false --copt=-mavx2 --copt=-mno-sse3 --cxxopt=-DCPU_ONLY --experimental_multi_threaded_digest --crosstool_top=tools/wllvm:toolchain --compilation_mode=dbg //modules/planning:libplanning_component.so
  7. Extract bitcode file (e.g., planning module)

    Apollo 3.0

    cd /apollo/bazel-bin/modules/planning
    extract-bc planning
    # Check output
    file planning.bc
    llvm-dis planning.bc

    Apollo 3.5 & 5.0

    sudo apt install python3-pip
    sudo pip3 install sh
    python3 ApolloBitcodeExtractor.py

    Usage of ApolloBitcodeExtractor.py:

    usage: ApolloBitcodeExtractor.py [-h] [-t TARGET] [-p PROJECT] [-o OUTPUT]
    Apollo LLVM bitcode extractor for any Bazel targets
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -t TARGET, --target TARGET
                            A Bazel build target (default:
      -p PROJECT, --project PROJECT
                            The root directory of a Bazel project (default:
      -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                            The name of the output bitcode (default: output.bc)