
Primary LanguagePython

Table of content

By event


Name File Type Bug Technique Note
Duet c (64 bit) Buffer Overflow Ret2Shellcode Shellcode (32 bit) can be executed on 64 bit binary and argument when execute int 0x80 will be eax, ebx, ecx, edx...
Two Shot c (64 bit) Buffer Overflow Format String Ret2libc



Name File Type Bug Technique Note
Timehash - rev c (64 bit) Patch file
WWW c (64 bit) Format String Overwrite GOT


Name File Type Bug Technique Note
calert c (64 bit) Integer Overflow Buffer Overflow Ret2libc We can change original canary if we know its address which is not in range of libc nor ld


Name File Type Bug Technique Note
readOnly c (64 bit) Buffer Overflow Ret2dlresolve
start c (64 bit) Buffer Overflow SROP
feedback c (64 bit) Integer Overflow Buffer Overflow SROP
guess2pwn c++ (64 bit) First byte from urandom may be null
pwnMe c (64 bit) Format String Ret2libc
babyheap c (64 bit) Use After Free Heap Overflow
5ecretN0te c (64 bit) Heap Overflow House of Force

Wolverine Security Conference/CTF

Name File Type Bug Technique Note
Us3_th3_F0rc3 c (64 bit) Heap Overflow House of Force

zer0pts CTF 2022

Name File Type Bug Technique Note
Modern Rome c++ (64 bit) Integer Overflow
accountant c (64 bit) Integer Overflow ret2libc If register (rax, rbx, rcx...) contain 0x10000000000000000 (9 bytes in total), the most significant byte will be remove (the 0x1 will be remove) and make register to null again

FooBar CTF 2022

Name Type File Type Bug Technique Note
Death-note pwn c (64 bit) Use After Free Tcache Attack House of Botcake Tcache forward pointer changed in libc 2.32 (source)

Pragyan CTF 2022

Name Type File Type Bug Technique Note
Poly-Flow pwn c (32 bit) Buffer Overflow
Portal pwn c (64 bit) Format String
Database pwn c (64 bit) Heap Overflow Tcache Attack
Comeback pwn c (32 bit) Buffer Overflow
TBBT pwn c (32 bit) Format String Overwrite GOT

TSJ CTF 2022

Name Type File Type Bug Technique Note
bacteria pwn c (64 bit) Buffer Overflow Ret2dlresolve r_offset can be any writable and controllable place, don't need to be @got


Name Type File Type Bug Technique Note
C@ge pwn c++ (64 bit) Heap Overflow Tcache Attack Ret2libc Use libc environ() to leak stack address
calc pwn c (64 bit) Buffer Overflow Unchecked Index ret2win
orange pwn c (64 bit) Heap Overflow House of Orange Tcache Attack Unsorted Bin Attack Overwrite malloc hook with realloc and realloc hook with one gadget


Name File Type Bug Technique Note
Start c (32 bit) Buffer Overflow ROPchain Shellcode
orw c (32 bit) Shellcode
calc c (32 bit) ROPchain
3x17 c (64 bit) ROPchain Attack by overwriting .fini_array

Wanna Game 2022

Name Type File Type Technique
Letwarnup pwn c (64 bit) Format String Overwrite GOT
Feedback pwn c (64 bit) Least Significant Byte
note pwn c (64 bit) Heap Attack Unsorted Bin Attack


Name Type File Type Technique
f_one pwn c (64 bit) Format String Overwrite GOT
f_two pwn c (32 bit) Buffer Overflow Integer Overflow Format String

KCSC - Entrance exam

Name Type File Type Technique
ArrayUnderFl0w pwn c Unchecked Index
guessMe pwn c Specific Seed Rand
Make Me Crash pwn c Buffer Overflow
Chall pwn c Format String
ret2win pwn c Buffer Overflow
get OVER InT pwn c Integer Overflow
bof1 pwn c Buffer Overflow


Name Type File Type Technique
tokenizer pwn cpp (64 bit) Least Significant Byte
iz_heap_lv1 pwn c (64 bit) Heap Attack Tcache attack

DiceCTF 2022

Name Type File Type Technique
baby-rop pwn c (64 bit) Heap Attack ROP chaining
dataeater pwn c (64 bit) ret2dlresolve Fake link_map

DefCamp CTF 21-22 Online

Name Type File Type Technique
cache pwn c (64 bit) Use After Free Double Free Tcache Attack Overwrite GOT
blindsight pwn c (64 bit) Blind ROP Buffer Overflow


Name File Type Bug Technique Note
three_o_three c (64 bit) Unlimited malloc size FILE structure attack Malloc with size larger than heap size make the chunk near libc ; Scanf flow: __uflow -> _IO_file_underflow -> read 1 byte until meet \n

Technique (Table of content)

Name Note
Ret2dlresolve (64 bit) Just input, no output and no output function
Heap Exploit Just notes. For a full technique, please visit this page

Execute @plt on stack (BOF):

  • 32 bit:
payload = b'A'*<x>        # Padding
payload += p32(<@plt> / libc.sym['<function name>'])
payload += p32(<return address>)
payload += p32(<arg1>)
payload += p32(<arg2>)
  • 64 bit:
payload = b'A'*<x>             # Padding
payload += p64(pop_rdi)
payload += p64(<arg1>)
payload += p64(pop_rsi_r15)
payload += p64(<arg2>)
payload += p64(<any byte>)
payload += p64(@plt / libc.sym['<function name>'])
payload += p32(<return address>)

Docker outline

Install docker on parrot:

sudo apt install docker.io

Install docker-compose for convinient command

Attach GDB to running process in docker

To debug a process from docker, add this YAML code to docker-compose.yml, the same wilth expose (source):


Because my computer doesn't show pid when running container so I use the following way to debug:

import subprocess
from pwn import *

def GDB():
    proc = subprocess.Popen(['ps', 'aux'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    ps = proc.stdout.read().split(b'\n')
    pid = ''
    for i in ps:
        # Change the recognization here
        if b'/home/bacteria/bacteria' in i and b'timeout' not in i:
            pid = i.split(b'  ')[1].decode()

    # Change command here
    command = '''
    with open('/tmp/command.gdb', 'wt') as f:

    # Need sudo permission
    subprocess.Popen(['sudo', '/usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator', '--geometry', '960x1080+960+0', '-e', 'gdb', '-p', pid, '-x', '/tmp/command.gdb'])
    input()     # input() to make program wait with gdb

p = connect('', 9487)

Another version for gdb.attach()

Using x-terminal-emulator to create popup shell and pass command in a file:

# Intel debug
import subprocess

def GDB():
    command = '''
    with open('/tmp/command.gdb', 'wt') as f:
    subprocess.Popen(['/usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator', '--geometry', '960x1080+960+0', '-e', 'gdb', '-p', str(p.pid), '-x', '/tmp/command.gdb'])
    input()         # input() to make program wait with gdb
# Arm debug
def GDB(filename, port):
    q = process(f"/usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator --geometry 960x1080+960+0 -x gdb-multiarch -q --nh -ex 'source ~/.gef-283690ae9bfcecbb3deb80cd275d327c46b276b5.py' -ex 'set architecture arm64' -ex 'file {filename}' -ex 'target remote localhost:{port}'", shell=True)

port = 1234
filename = ''

p = process(f'qemu-aarch64 -L /usr/aarch64-linux-gnu -g {port} {filename}}'.split())
GDB('cli', port)

Load libc in python

from ctypes import*

# Load glibc chạy chung với chương trình
glibc = cdll.LoadLibrary('./libc6_2.27-3ubuntu1.4_amd64.so')

# Tạo seed rand với seed bằng time(null)

# Lấy giá trị random
val = glibc.rand()



  • Get child pid (way 1):
import os
from pwn import *

p = process(<Some Program>)
child_pid = pwnlib.util.proc.children(os.getpid())[0]
  • Get child pid (way 2):
from pwn import *

p = process(<Some Program>)
  • Get child pid (way 3):
from pwn import *

p = process(<Some Program>)
  • ARGS:
from pwn import *

# print(args.<ANY NAME IN CAPITAL>)

--> python run.py MYNAME=Johnathan MYAGE=20

from pwn import *

p = process('<File>')

p.wait()     # Wait until it crash. Core file will be made after crash.
             # If it doesn't crash, check manually to make sure it crash

core = Coredump('./core')

# Read number of data from the specified address
print(core.read(<some address>, <number of byte read>))     # Return byte

# Read until null byte
print(core.string(<some address>))

Get opcode from binary

objdump -d <Name of program>|grep '[0-9a-f]:'|grep -v 'file'|cut -f2 -d:|cut -f1-6 -d' '|tr -s ' '|tr '\t' ' '|sed 's/\ $//g'|sed 's/\ /\\x/g'|paste -d '' -s |sed 's/^/"/'|sed 's/$/"/g'


  • r < <() can pass null byte, r <<<$() cannot.

  • flag +/-ZERO to set or remove flag.

movaps xmm0,...

  • rsp (esp) address must end with byte 0x00, 0x10, 0x20, 0x30... or it will cause error.
    Ex: if rsp address end with 0xe8 --> segfault.

format string

  • %p%p%p%n will write and access easily.
  • %4$n will write but cannot access.
  • Payload should have %c instead %x to make sure it write a byte, not a random byte on stack.
  • Enter . to scanf() with number format (%d, %u, %ld...) won't enter new value to var.