MOMENTUM is an European H2020 project, aimed at developing models for emerging mobility solutions. The overall goal of the project is to develop a set of mobility data analysis and exploitation methods, transport models and planning and decision support tools able to capture the impact of new transport options and ICT-driven behavioural changes on urban mobility, to support local authorities in the task of designing the right policy mix to exploit the full potential of emerging mobility solutions. For more information about the project, kindly visit
This repository hosts the open source codes of the models developed within work package 4 of the project. The models are developed with an objective to formulate changes that are required to incorporate emerging mobility solutions into strategic transportation models, both in terms of supply and demand.
The repository is divided into four main categories: Demand, Fleet management, Supply, and Sustainability. Each of these categories is divided into modules, which contain the files for one or several models. A readme file is provided for each model, in the respective directories. Technical details about the models are also available in Deliverable D4.1, which can be accessed in the project website (Resources -> Publications).
Narayanan, S., Salanova Grau, J. M., Frederix, R., Tympakianaki, A., and Antoniou, C. (2021). Modelling of shared mobility services - An approach in between traditional strategic models and agent-based models. Manuscript under review
Narayanan, S., Antoniou, C., Tympakianaki, A., Casas, J., Brackstone, M., Chatziathanasiou, M., Konstantinidou, N. M., Salanova Grau, J. M., Aifandopoulou, G., Frederix, R., Himpe, W., Vanherle, K., Vanherck, J., Martín, I., Burrieza, J., Masegosa, A. D., Calderín, J. F., and Muga, P. F. (2021). Deliverable 4.1: Transport modelling approaches for emerging mobility solutions. Available at:
Besides the above two references, the readme file of each model may contain the relevant publication(s) of that particular model.
Work package leaders -,
MOMENTUM technical coordinators -,
Besides these contacts, the contacts for individual models are provided in the readme file of the respective models.