H2 date Time Picker

Dies ist die Kombination von

https://www.npmjs.com/package/@holema/mdtimepicker https://www.npmjs.com/package/@holema/datepicker

First the two packages are completly ungoogled, so the Roboto Font was made offline available. This is needed in Germany to be completle GDPR compliant.



The Package creates a new Input Field. img.png The Field existing field still stays and will be sand by the form submit to the Server. The visible Field is only a dummy field.

When klicking the small clock then the timepicker opens img_1.png

When no Date was selected before, then the date today will be selected. When clicking the Datefield, then first the datepicker is opend. img_2.png After selecting the date, the timepicker opens automaticaly.


npm i @holema/datepicker

In die haupt CSS:

@import "~@holema/h2datetimepicker/css/dateTimePicker.css";

in die Haupt-JS:

import {initdateTimePicker,cleanDateTimePicker} from '@holema/h2datetimepicker';

To render a datetime input field as datetimepicker, activate the plugin with:

Input the class or id of the element.


To clean the input, enter the original DOM element. cleanDateTimePicker(document.getElementById('schedulePickr'))

This package was brought to you by https://h2-invent.com