
Example Project Shows Variation of Requirejs Bundle

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Requirejs Bundle Types

This example project is inspired by a question from StackOverflow

3 ways to optimize requirejs bundle files

  1. Optimize a single JS file for the whole site (w/ or w/o Almond)
  1. Optimize a single JS file for each page (w/ or w/o Almond)
  2. Optimize one JS file for common modules, and then another for each specific page. (Almond doesn't fit in with this way)

Naming them for easier understanding

  1. Centralized / Centralized-Almond
  2. Independent / Independent-Almond
  3. Shared

What does this project have?

It contains 2 pages, 1 common module, 2 individual modules and corresponding 2 template files

Folder structure

├── app/
│   ├── bower_components/
│   │   ├── backbone/
│   │   ├── jquery/
│   │   ├── requirejs/
│   │   ├── requirejs-text/
│   │   └── underscore/
│   ├── hello/
│   │   ├── main.js
│   │   └── main.template.txt
│   └── world/
│       ├── main.js
│       └── main.template.txt
├── common.js
├── hello.html
└── world.html

1. Pages

Including requirejs library and data-main script

  • src/hello.html
  • src/world.html

2. Common module

including requirejs.config({}) and callback() to launch app

  • src/common.js

3. Individual modules and corresponding template files

Individual module and its dependencies

  • src/app/hello/main.js
    • src/app/hello/main.template.txt
  • src/app/world/main.js
    • src/app/world/main.template.txt

4. Vendor resources

External static libraries

Every library has its own short module/path name in requirejs.config({}) definition

They are installed by Bower which is not important here

  • src/app/bower_components/*

Building bundle files

1. Requirejs native build file or grunt-requirejs task?

_ Share common configurations Almond support Script tag substitution
build file No Yes No
grunt-requirejs task Yes Yes Yes

grunt-requirejs wins!

2. Predefined grunt tasks

  • grunt requirejs:centralized and grunt requirejs:centralizedAlmond
  • grunt requirejs:independent and grunt requirejs:independentAlmond
  • grunt requirejs:shared

3. Before optimization

Every page has 8 requests.


4. After optimization

grunt requirejs:centralized

All modules are bundled into one file

Every page shares this bundule file

Reduced to 3 requests

grunt requirejs:centralized

grunt requirejs:centralizedAlmond

All modules are bundled into one file (including Almond)

Every page shares this bundule file without additional require.js

Reduced to 2 requests

grunt requirejs:centralizedAlmond

grunt requirejs:independent

Every individual module is bundle with common modules into its own bundle file

Every page loads its own bundule file

Reduced to 3 requests

grunt requirejs:independent

grunt requirejs:independentAlmond

Every individual module is bundled with common modules into its own bundle file (including Almond)

Every page loads its own bundule file without additional require.js

Reduced to 2 requests

grunt requirejs:independentAlmond

grunt requirejs:shared

Every individual module is bundled into its own bundle file without common modules

All common modules are bundled into another file which is shared for all pages

Reduced to 4 requests

grunt requirejs:shared

Which one is better?

It depends on your requirement actually.

  • grunt requirejs:shared is most efficient at getting rid of duplicated downloading and utilizing cache as much as possible.
  • grunt requirejs:centralized is sutiable for small bundle file or mobile site. Download once, use everywhere.
  • grunt requirejs:independent has least usage scenarios. Might suitable for one-off project.


Prefer paths rather than maps configuration if possible

It's better to use paths to achieve same objective.

paths: {
    'text': 'requirejs-text/text',

Utilizing paths rather than maps is better for bundle in some cases. Because Almond doesn't support maps configuration.

map: {
    '*': {
        'text': 'requirejs-text/text'

Write rerquire.config({}) once, use everywhere

  • Development and build environment share same configuration
  • Other environments, for example, test environment can use it as well
  • common.js is right place to hold it
  • Keep DRY