
using markdown manage your knowledge in vim.

Primary LanguageVim Script

vim markdown wiki

markdown wiki pulgin for vim

this plug has a lot of functions are referenced from vimwiki.

record: https://asciinema.org/a/dti9cfipk4lvdjxh8feeov860



    Plug 'tpope/vim-markdown'
    Plug 'h2ero/vim-markdown-wiki'
    let g:mwikiTableAlign = "left"
    let g:mwikis = [ {'path':$HOME.'/wiki1/'}, {'path':$HOME.'/wiki2/'} ]



  1. Leader+m+w will open wiki1 index.md in your config. 2+Leader+m+w will open wiki1 index.md in your config.
  2. cursor is under the text, press Enter will create markdown link and open link file,
  3. cursor is under the link, Tab jump to next link, Shift+Tab jump to the previous.
  4. cursor is under the link, Enter will goto link file.
  5. Backspace go back previous file.


  1. create table, Leader + m +t + c
  2. press ESC normal mode form insert mode, Table will be align.
  3. Tab jump to next table cell, Shift+Tab jump to previous cell

export html

syntax highlighting

  1. markdown style syntax highlighting

    # vimL
    ## Hello Word
    ``` viml
    " markdown highlight code block
    echo "Hello World"

my wiki screenshot