
Modern JavaScript Tutorial

Primary LanguageHTMLOtherNOASSERTION

The JavaScript Tutorial

This repository hosts the content of the Modern JavaScript Tutorial, published at https://javascript.info.


(In alphabetical order):

Language Github Translation leads Published
Chinese https://github.com/xitu/javascript-tutorial-zh @leviding
French https://github.com/SugoiNelson/javascript-tutorial-fr @SugoiNelson -
German https://github.com/MartinEls/javascript-tutorial-de @MartilEls -
Japanese https://github.com/KenjiI/javascript-tutorial-ja @KenjiI -
Russian https://github.com/iliakan/javascript-tutorial-ru @iliakan https://learn.javascript.ru
Turkish https://github.com/sahinyanlik/javascript-tutorial-tr @sahinyanlik -
Uzbek https://github.com/aruzikulov/javascript-tutorial-uz @aruzikulov -

If you'd like to translate it into your language, please clone the repository, change its name to javascript-tutorial-... (by the language) and create an issue for me to add you to the list.

The server to run the tutorial locally is at https://github.com/iliakan/javascript-tutorial-server/.


Every chapter, article or a task has its folder.

The folder is named like N-url, where N is a number for the sorting purposes and url is the URL part with title of the material.

The type of the material is defined by the file inside the folder:

  • index.md stands for a chapter
  • article.md stands for an article
  • task.md stands for a task (solution must be provided in solution.md file aswell)

Each of these files starts from the # Main header.

Assets required for the material reside in the same folder.