
Primary LanguagePython


To run this:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

To run the fast subdomain scanner:

python subdomainscanner.py --help


usage: subdomainscanner.py [-h] [-l WORDLIST] [-t NUM_THREADS] domain

Faster Subdomain Scanner using Threads

positional arguments: domain Domain to scan for subdomains without protocol (e.g without 'http://' or 'https://')

optional arguments:

-h, --help show this help message and exit

-l WORDLIST, --wordlist WORDLIST

                    File that contains all subdomains to scan, line by                                          
                    line. Default is subdomains.txt

-t NUM_THREADS, --num-threads NUM_THREADS

                    Number of threads to use to scan the domain.                        
                    Default  is 10

If you want to scan hackthissite.org for subdomains using only 10 threads

with a word list of 100 subdomains (subdomains.txt):

python subdomainscanner.py hackthissite.org -l subdomains.txt -t 10

After a while, it outputs: [+] Discovered subdomain: http://mail.hackthissite.org

[+] Discovered subdomain: http://www.hackthissite.org

[+] Discovered subdomain: http://forum.hackthissite.org

[+] Discovered subdomain: http://admin.hackthissite.org

For larger subdomains https://github.com/rbsec/dnscan