
Make sure you are using Java version 9 in Eclipse, it can be downloaded from here. You will need to make an account to get it

Before code is merged to main, it MUST be reviewed by somebody else to ensure it is correct


  1. Jack, Oliver and Angelos
  2. Elliot, Scott
  3. Kaleb, Tony

Reviews must be completed by one of your group members before it can be merged to main, as well as this code to be merged should also

  • Compile
  • Be fully documented using javadoc comments
  • Abide by standard set out by Liam

Please remember:

  • camel case for method names
  • There is a 80 Character Limit on the length of lines, try to follow it
  • Javadoc comments must be full sentences
  • Methods can not be longer than 75 lines, and no more than 5 levels of indentation (Don't think these have been broken)
  • Order of a class MUST be:
    1. Javadoc for class
    2. Class declaration
    3. Class constants (static & final) variables
    4. Class (static) variables
    5. Instance variables
    6. Constructors
    7. Methods, in the order:
  • Within each item, they must appear in the order:
    1. Public
    2. Protected
    3. Package Level
    4. Private