
gentleman's plugin providing retry policy capabilities in your HTTP clients

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

gentleman-retry Build Status GoDoc Coverage Status Go Report Card

gentleman's v2 plugin providing retry policy capabilities to your HTTP clients.

Constant backoff strategy will be used by default with a maximum of 3 attempts, but you use a custom or third-party retry strategies. Request bodies will be cached in the stack in order to re-send them if needed.

By default, retry will happen in case of network error or server response error (>= 500 || = 429). You can use a custom Evaluator function to determine with custom logic when should retry or not.

Behind the scenes it implements a custom http.RoundTripper interface which acts like a proxy to http.Transport, in order to take full control of the response and retry the request if needed.


go get -u gopkg.in/h2non/gentleman-retry.v2


  • v1 - First version, uses gentleman@v1.
  • v2 - Latest version, uses gentleman@v2.


See godoc reference for detailed API documentation.


Default retry strategy

package main

import (


func main() {
  // Create a new client
  cli := gentleman.New()

  // Define base URL

  // Register the retry plugin, using the built-in constant back off strategy

  // Create a new request based on the current client
  req := cli.Request()

  // Define the URL path at request level

  // Set a new header field
  req.SetHeader("Client", "gentleman")

  // Perform the request
  res, err := req.Send()
  if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Request error: %s\n", err)
  if !res.Ok {
    fmt.Printf("Invalid server response: %d\n", res.StatusCode)

Exponential retry strategy

I would recommend you using go-resiliency package for custom retry estrategies:

go get -u gopkg.in/eapache/go-resiliency.v1/retrier
package main

import (



func main() {
  // Create a new client
  cli := gentleman.New()

  // Define base URL

  // Register the retry plugin, using a custom exponential retry strategy
  cli.Use(retry.New(retrier.New(retrier.ExponentialBackoff(3, 100*time.Millisecond), nil)))

  // Create a new request based on the current client
  req := cli.Request()

  // Define the URL path at request level

  // Set a new header field
  req.SetHeader("Client", "gentleman")

  // Perform the request
  res, err := req.Send()
  if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Request error: %s\n", err)
  if !res.Ok {
    fmt.Printf("Invalid server response: %d\n", res.StatusCode)


MIT - Tomas Aparicio