
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Documentation Generator

This project serves as a utility wrapper for JSDoc.


This package provides the following advantages over using JSDoc by itself:

  • provides ready made configuration that is ready to use out of the box
  • is integrated with git and GitHub Pages

Simply run npm run docPublish to create a gh-pages branch in your repository, generate the documentation from your source, and push it to GitHub. After that all you need to do is find the link under <Project> -> Settings -> GitHub Pages and make it the project website link on the projects home page in GitHub. See the Usage section for more details.

This project will take your README.md file and turn it into a homepage with links to the documentation from your source code as defined by JSDoc. See jsdocgenTest as an example.



npm install -g jsdoc

JSDoc cannot be used as library and must be installed globally.


Add the following snippets to your package.json file:

Development Dependencies

From NPM
   "devDependencies": {
      "jsdocgen": "^0.2.1"
From GitHub
   "devDependencies": {
      "jsdocgen": "git+https://github.com/h2oboi89/jsdocgen.git#<commit-ish>"

<commit-ish> can be any tag, sha, or branch. Default is nothing (master). See here for more information.

Commit-ish Example
Nothing .../jsdocgen.git
Branch .../jsdocgen.git#master
Tag .../jsdocgen.git#v0.2.0
SHA .../jsdocgen.git#3fbba539739989842d8fbf86ee90bbfbd5cd9ef5

NOTE: First two examples are functionally identical.


   "scripts": {
      "docClone": "jsdocgen clone",
      "docGenerate": "jsdocgen generate",
      "docPublish": "jsdocgen publish"

These provide a means of running jsdocgen. See Usage for more details.


   "repository": {
      "type": "git",
      "url": "<repo SSH link>"

This is how jsdocgen will know where to put the documentation.

Get the <repo SSH link> by copying the URL provided by GitHub SSH clone URL.

Example: git@github.com:h2oboi89/jsdocgenTest.git

NOTE: you can use the HTTP clone URL if you so desire, but we recommend the SSH clone URL instead.


From your project root call the following via npm run <Command>:

Command Result
docClone clones the project repository into ./doc/ and checks out the gh-pages branch
docGenerate generates the documentation using JSDoc
docPublish pushes updated documentation to origin:gh-pages

NOTE: each step will automatically call the preceding step (docPublish -> docGenerate -> docClone)


You can tweak the JSDoc settings by modifying jsdoc.json.

You can tweak the GitHub integration by modifying the files found in ./src.


The jsdocgenTest repository serves as a means to test this project and also provides some examples on how to use JSDoc.