A node.js tool that measures and compares performances of single and multiple apis inspired by BenchmarkJs. Why all of this?
To see an example of a request/response look at this gist.
If you want to benchmark your api via grunt take a look at grunt-api-benchmark.
- Requirements
- Installation
- Usage
- The
object - The
object - Tuning your machine to benchmark
- Contributing
- Why all of this?
Node version: min: 0.8.0, recommended: >=0.10.13
Build status: Unix: | Windows:
npm install api-benchmark
Measures performances of a given api for multiple routes
var apiBenchmark = require('api-benchmark');
var service = {
server1: "http://myserver:myport/mypath/"
var routes = { route1: 'route1', route2: 'route2' };
apiBenchmark.measure(service, routes, function(err, results){
// displays some stats!
Compares performances of a given list of api servers with the same routes. Useful in case of load balancers, globalised services, deployment of new versions.
var apiBenchmark = require('api-benchmark');
var services = {
server1: "http://myserver:myport/mypath/",
server2: "http://myserver2:myport2/mypath2/",
var routes = { route1: 'route1', route2: 'route2' };
apiBenchmark.compare(services, routes, function(err, results){
// displays some stats, including the winner!
All the Http verbs and headers are supported.
var apiBenchmark = require('api-benchmark');
var services = {
server1: "http://myserver:myport/mypath/",
server2: "http://myserver2:myport2/mypath2/",
var routes = {
route1: {
method: 'get',
route: 'getRoute',
headers: {
'Cookie': 'cookieName=value',
'Accept': 'application/json'
route2: 'getRoute2',
route3: {
method: 'post',
route: 'postRoute',
data: {
test: true,
moreData: 'aString'
apiBenchmark.compare(services, routes, function(err, results){
// displays some stats, including the winner!
Given a results object, gets the html report.
var apiBenchmark = require('api-benchmark');
var service = {
server1: "http://myserver:myport/mypath/"
var routes = { route1: 'route1', route2: 'route2' };
apiBenchmark.measure(service, routes, function(err, results){
apiBenchmark.getHtml(results, function(error, html){
// now save it yourself to a file and enjoy
(String, default 'get'): Http verb.
(String): the route to benchmark
(Object): the headers to send. In case of function (that has to return an object) it will be evaulated for each request.
(Object): the data sent with the request. In case of function (that has to return an object) it will be evaulated for each request.
(Number, default null): if it is a number, generates an error when the status code of the response is different
(Number, default null): if it is a number, generates an error when the mean value for a benchmark cycle is major than the expected value
(Number, default null): if it is a number, generates an error when the mean across all the concurrent requests value is major than the expected value
(Boolean, default false): Displays some info on the console.
(String, default 'sequence'): Can be 'sequence' (each request is made after receiving the previous response) or 'parallel' (all requests are made in parallel).
(Number, default 100): When in runMode='parallel' it is the maximum number of concurrent requests are made.
(Number, default 0): When in runMode='sequence', it is the delay between test cycles (secs).
(Number, default 10): The maximum time a benchmark is allowed to run before finishing (secs). Note: Cycle delays aren't counted toward the maximum time.
(Number, default 20): The minimum sample size required to perform statistical analysis.
(Boolean, default true): Stops the benchmark as soon as it receives an error. When false, the benchmark goes on and the errors are collected inside the callback.
You should tune your machine to remove any OS limits in terms of opening and quickly recycling sockets.
sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfiles=25000
sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfilesperproc=24500
sudo sysctl -w kern.ipc.somaxconn=20000
ulimit -S -n 20000
For the latest updates and release information follow @matteofigus on twitter. Feel free to open new Issues in case of Bugs or Feature requests. Pull requests are welcome, possibly in new branches.
npm test
- Command-line simple interface
- Multi-thread requests
- Killer mode - ask for details