Tensorflow implementation of Unsupervised Learning of Fine Structure Generation for 3D Point Clouds by 2D Projection Matching, a paper on ICCV2021.
The code is in Python 3.6.8. Create Python 3.6.8 environment:
conda create -n 2dpm python=3.6.8
conda activate 2dpm
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
we evaluate our method using ShapeNet v1 for all experiments.
The original ShapeNet has no corresponding point clouds and rendered images. Therefore, we need to preprocess 3D meshes to obtain point clouds and rendered images.
We provide the same point clouds and rendered images of 3 classes(chair, plane and car) used in our paper as DPC, you can download them by the link, which contains gt/
and render/
. the point clouds are only for test. You can also generate ground truth point clouds yourself as described here.
Firstly, put the gt/
folder and the render/
folder into the data/
Secondly, Using the original rendered images to generate silhouettes and 2D sampling points, and save them into TFrecords format (taking the plane(category ID 02691156) as a example):
cd data
./tf_records_generator.sh 02691156
A few hours later, you will see the tf_records/02691156_train.tf_records
For convenience, we provide our generated TFrecords files of 3 classes(chair, plane and car) in the link, which contains tf_records/
. you can just put the tf_records/
folder into the data/
We also provide our pretrained model in the link. Put them into your checkpoint_dir.
To train our model execute the following, taking the plane(category ID 02691156) as a example:
python 2Dpm/main/train_eval.py --gpu=0 --synth_set=02691156 --checkpoint_dir=./
All trained models will be saved in checkpoint_dir.
See the configurations in 2Dpm/resources/default_config.yaml for more detials.
python 2Dpm/main/test.py --gpu=0 --synth_set=02691156 --checkpoint_dir=./ --test_step=100000
After the test, we save the quantification results in checkpoint_dir/chamfer_distance.txt. The generated 3D shapes are saved in checkpoint_dir/$vox_size/pred.
We thank DPC for their great works and repos.
If you find this project useful in your research, please consider citing:
title={Unsupervised Learning of Fine Structure Generation for 3D Point Clouds by 2D Projection Matching},
author={Chao Chen and Zhizhong, Han and Yu-shen, Liu and Matthias, Zwicker},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},