Simple tool to create raw disk images.
cargo install mkimg
Create a simple vfat image without additional partition table:
$ mkimg -i directory -o image.raw
Create a vfat image with GPT partition table:
$ mkimg -i directory -o image.raw -p gpt
See all options:
$ mkimg -h
Simple tool to create raw disk images
Usage: mkimg [OPTIONS] --input-dir <INPUT_DIR> --output-path <OUTPUT_PATH>
-i, --input-dir <INPUT_DIR>
Directory root to convert to an image
-p, --partition-table <PARTITION_TABLE>
Partition table to use. Image size may be extended to fit it [default: none] [possible values: gpt, mbr, none]
-f, --filesystem <FILESYSTEM>
Filesystem for the image [default: vfat] [possible values: vfat]
-o, --output-path <OUTPUT_PATH>
Output image path
-s, --size <SIZE>
Set partition size. If not set, is estimated automatically
-b, --bootable
Whether image should be bootable
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information