The goal of this tool is to detect the perspective distortion of a image of a planar surface using aruco markers and then correct it.
- Python 3.9
- Poetry
git clone http://github.com/h3ll5ur7er/orthagonalize
cd orthagonalize
poetry install
Generate Aruco Markers
the default marker dictionary has 7x7 bits with a 1 bit border and 1000 entries. This can be adjusted inside the config.py file. the default number of pixels per bit is 254.
poetry run python -m orthagonalize generate <id> [<pixels_per_bit>]
for example to get a marker with the id 42 and a resulting image size of 900x900 pixels ((7 bits + 2*1 bit border)*100 pixels per bit):
poetry run python -m orthagonalize generate 42 100
print the marker at a known absolute size (e.g. insert the image into a word document and set the size to 50mm x 50mm)
Orthagonalize image
poetry run python -m orthagonalize image <path> <marker_size_mm>
The following steps are performed:
- the marker will be detected within the image.
- a homography matrix will be calculated to align and center the marker within a 15360x8640 image.
- the input image is then warped using the homography matrix.
- the corners of the input image are projected using the homography matrix.
- the projected corners are clamped to the 15360x8640 image.
- the image is cropped to the clamped corner bounds.
- the cropped image is displayed and saved to the same directory as the input image.
Orthagonalize stream
poetry run python -m orthagonalize stream <source> <marker_size_mm>
the stream source can be a camera index or a video file path.