
Hajimari is a beautiful & customizable browser startpage/dashboard with Kubernetes application discovery.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Hajimari 🌅

...The beginning of a pleasant experience

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Hajimari is a simplistically beautiful startpage designed to be the entrypoint for your self-hosted Kubernetes cluster.


User config

App groups


  • Web and app search with customizable search providers
  • Dynamically list apps discovered from Kubernetes Ingresses or Custom Resources
  • Display replica status for ingress endpoints
  • Support for non-Kubernetes apps via custom apps config
  • Customizable list of bookmarks
  • Selectable themes and custom theme support
  • Automatic light/dark mode
  • Custom configuration overrides per user/browser
  • Multiple instance support



helm repo add hajimari https://hajimari.io

helm repo update

helm install hajimari hajimari/hajimari

Helm docs


Clone the repo and run the following command to generate the hajimari binary:

make deps
make build

Or for local development with hot reload:

make deps
make dev

You will need to have go 1.19 and node 18 installed.

Hajimari will need access to a kubeconfig file for a service account with access to ingress and endpoint slice objects.



Hajimari looks for specific annotations on Ingresses.

  • Add the following annotations to your ingresses in order for it to be discovered by Hajimari:
Annotation Description Required
hajimari.io/enable Add this with value true to the ingress of the app you want to show in Hajimari true
hajimari.io/icon Icon name from MDI icons false
hajimari.io/appName A custom name for your application. Use if you don't want to use the name of the ingress false
hajimari.io/group A custom group name. Use if you want the application to show in a different group than the namespace it is running in false
hajimari.io/instance A comma separated list of name/s of the Hajimari instance/s where you want this application to appear. Use when you have multiple Hajimari instances false
hajimari.io/url A URL for the Hajimari app (This will override the ingress URL). It MUST begin with a scheme i.e., http:// or https:// false
hajimari.io/targetBlank Determines if links should open in new tabs/windows false
hajimari.io/info A short description of the Hajimari app false


Hajimari supports the following configuration options that can be modified by either ConfigMap or values.yaml if you are using Helm

Field Description Default Type
instanceName Name of the Hajimari instance "" string
defaultEnable Set to true to expose all ingresses in selected namespaces by default false bool
namespaceSelector Namespace selector which uses a combination of hardcoded namespaces as well as label selectors any: true NamespaceSelector
name Name to use in the greeting "You" string
title Browser title for this Hajimari instance "Hajimari" string
lightTheme Theme to use when the browser prefers light themes "gazette" string
darkTheme Theme to use when the brwoser prefers dark themes "horizon" string
customThemes A list of custom themes [] []Theme
showGreeting Toggle showing the greeting and date true bool
showAppGroups Toggle grouping apps by group (namespaces) true bool
showAppUrls Toggle displaying app URLs true bool
showAppInfo Toggle showing app info false bool
showAppStatus Toggle showing app replica status indicators true bool
showBookmarkGroups Toggle grouping bookmarks by group true bool
showGlobalBookmarks Toggle showing global bookmarks on custom startpages false bool
alwaysTargetBlank Set to true to open apps/bookmarks in a new window by default false bool
defaultSearchProvider name of the configured search provider to use as default "Google" string
searchProviders A list of custom search providers [...] []SearchProvider
customApps A list of custom apps to add to the discovered apps [] []AppGroup
globalBookmarks A list of bookmark groups to add [] []BookmarkGroup

HajimariApp objects

It also possible to define Apps via Kubernetes Custom Resources for those using Istio's Virtual Services, Traefik's IngressRoutes or other solutions, which does not reply on native Ingress objects:

apiVersion: hajimari.io/v1alpha1
kind: Application
  name: hajimari-issues
  name: Hajimari Issues
  group: info
  icon: simple-icons:github
  url: https://github.com/toboshii/hajimari/issues
  info: Submit issue to this project
  targetBlank: true


It is a selector for selecting namespaces either selecting all namespaces or a list of namespaces, or filtering namespaces through labels.

Field Description Default Type
any Boolean describing whether all namespaces are selected in contrast to a list restricting them false bool
labelSelector Filter namespaces based on kubernetes metav1.LabelSelector type null metav1.LabelSelector
matchNames List of namespace names null []string

Note: If you specify both labelSelector and matchNames, Hajimari will take a union of all namespaces matched and use them.


If you want to add custom themes you can provide a list of custom theme atrributes.

Field Description Type
name Name of the theme String
backgroundColor Background color hex value String
primaryColor Primary color hex value String
accentColor Accent color hex value String


If you want to add custom search providers you can provide a list of custom providers to override the defaults.

Field Description Type
name Name of the search provider String
token Short token used to activate this provider in the search bar String
icon Icon name or URL to use for this search provider String
searchUrl URL to use for searches, the token {query} will be replaced with the query String
url URL to use when only token is entered in search bar String
Default Search Providers

searchProviders defaults to the following values:

  - name: Google
    token: g
    icon: simple-icons:google
    searchUrl: https://www.google.com/search?q={query}
    url: https://www.google.com
  - name: DuckDuckGo
    token: d
    icon: simple-icons:duckduckgo
    searchUrl: https://duckduckgo.com/?q={query}
    url: https://duckduckgo.com
  - name: IMDB
    token: i
    icon: simple-icons:imdb
    searchUrl: https://www.imdb.com/find?q={query}
    url: https://www.imdb.com
  - name: Reddit
    token: r
    icon: simple-icons:reddit
    searchUrl: https://www.reddit.com/search?q={query}
    url: https://www.reddit.com
  - name: YouTube
    token: 'y'
    icon: simple-icons:youtube
    searchUrl: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query={query}
    url: https://www.youtube.com
  - name: Spotify
    token: s
    icon: simple-icons:spotify
    searchUrl: hhttps://open.spotify.com/search/{query}
    url: https://open.spotify.com


If you want to add any apps that are not exposed through ingresses or are external to the cluster, you can use the custom apps feature. You can pass a list of custom apps inside the config.

Field Description Type
group Name of the group (namespace) String
apps A list of custom apps []App

Custom apps can be added by configuring a list of apps under an app group.

Field Description Type
name Name of the custom app String
icon Icon name or URL for the custom app String
url URL of the custom app String
info Short description of the custom app String
targetBlank Open app in a new window/tab Bool


Bookmark groups can be added by creating a list of groups and associated bookmarks.

Field Description Type
group Name of the bookmark group String
bookmarks Array of bookmarks []Bookmark

Bookmarks can be added by configuring a list of bookmarks under a group.

Field Description Type
name Name of the bookmark String
icon Icon name or URL for the bookmark String
url URL of the bookmark String
targetBlank Open bookmark in a new window/tab Bool


The search bar has a few functionalities:

  • If a query starts with / (similiar to vi/vim's search) it will filter the applications in real time allowing you to quickly find the app you're looking for.
  • If a query starts with @<token> and matches a token configured for a searchProvider then the request will be forwarded to the configured searchUrl with {query} replaced with the portion of the query after the token.
  • If no query is provided following the token or there is no searchUrl configured for the provider, then the user will be redirected to the contents of url. This allows you to use tokens to quickly access external sites.


Any icon field can be either an Iconify supported icon (ex: mdi:kubernetes, simple-icons:google) or a URL to an image.

Custom startpage setup

  1. Open Hajimari in your browser, click the hamburger menu in the lower lefthand corner.
  2. Modify the options you wish to change in the built-in YAML editor.
  3. Click Save and you'll be redirected to your new custom page with a random ID on the URL. Set this page as your homepage/new tab page. For the best experience in Firefox I recommend the New Tab Override extension; for Chrome Custom New Tab URL.
  4. You can make further modifications to this page at anytime under the hamburger menu.

Please note there is no authentication. You might want to run this behind ingress with access restrictions.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

Run make help for information on linting, tests, etc.


Why Hajimari?

Hajimari (始まり) is Japanese for beginnings. Hajimari's original intended purpose is to be used as a browser startpage, so the name seemed fitting as it's the beginning of all new tabs/windows :)

Thank you / dependencies

  • SUI For the great startpage template
  • Forecastle Ideas for integrating k8s ingress

