Import User to Keycloak

Java demo project using Spawn to load users from csv (or not) to Keycloak instance.

Special thanks to Adriano Santos and Elias Dal Ben, without your help there would be no success with this project.

Running locally

Start Spawn Proxy and some dependencies

docker network create spawn-user-demo
docker-compose up mariadb nats spawn

Start Keycloak instance (if necessary)

docker-compose -f docker-compose-keycloak.yaml up -d

Start Jaeger instance (if necessary)

# docker-compose -f docker-compose-monitoring.yaml up -d # TODO :: Pending param config.

Start Java ActorHost application

docker-compose up app


# Import user
curl -v -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "username":  "33333333333", "firstName": "Jane Child3", "lastName":  "Doe", "email": "", "birthDate":  "1967-05-03", "mobile": "(21) 93333-3333", "cityIbgeId":  "3304557", "uf": "RJ" }' 'http://localhost:8080/import'

# Get import status
curl -v 'http://localhost:8080/import/status/33333333333'

Deploy on Kubernetes

kubectl create ns eigr-functions
curl -L | kubectl create -n eigr-functions -f -
kubectl create ns example
kubectl create -f mysql.yaml -n example
kubectl create secret generic mysql-example-secret -n eigr-functions --from-literal=database=eigr --from-literal=host='mysql.example.svc.cluster.local' --from-literal=port='3306' --from-literal=username='admin' --from-literal=password='admin' --from-literal=encryptionKey=$(openssl rand -base64 32)
kubectl create -f nats.yaml -n example
kubectl create -f actorsystem.yaml -n example
# Build image and push to a private/public registry
# mvn clean compile -Pimage-build jib:dockerBuild
# TODO :: Next steps??

Deploy on Openshift with Openshift Pipeline (Tekton)

oc create ns eigr-functions
curl -L | oc apply -n eigr-functions -f -
oc create ns example
oc process openshift//mysql-persistent -p MYSQL_USER=admin -p MYSQL_PASSWORD=admin -p MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword -p MYSQL_DATABASE=eigr | oc create -n example -f -
oc create secret generic mysql-example-secret -n eigr-functions --from-literal=database=eigr --from-literal=host='mysql.example.svc.cluster.local' --from-literal=port='3306' --from-literal=username='admin' --from-literal=password='admin' --from-literal=encryptionKey=$(openssl rand -base64 32)
oc create -f nats.yaml -n example
oc create -f actorsystem.yaml -n example
oc create -f openshift-pipeline.yaml -n example
oc create role actorhost-pipeline --verb='*' --resource='actorhosts,actorsystems' -n example
oc create rolebinding actorhost-pipeline --role=actorhost-pipeline --serviceaccount=spawn:pipeline -n example
# If you want to expose actor service with route command
oc create route edge import --service=spawn-load-users-to-keycloak --port=8080 -n example