
hShip ][: the last voyage, the direct sequel to my old ship game made with ASCII characters hShip

Primary LanguageRust

hShip ][: the last voyage

The direct sequel to my old ship game made with ASCII characters

hShip ][: the last voyage, is the direct sequel to my ASCII character ship game: hShip, but instead of running in the terminal, this title emulates its aesthetics through sprites made with ASCII characters while the game itself is executed in any window thanks to the Bevy engine, allowing a better experience as well as better visual effects and sound.

Also, this game is (like most of my titles) published on the itch.io platform, so you can find this same information as well as download the game binaries more easily on that page.

Install instructions

Get the already compiled binary

  1. Click on the hShip2.Win64.zip file and then unzip it.
  2. Then execute the file with extension .exe contained in the newly extracted folder (hShip2.exe).
  3. (Optional) Move the newly extracted directory to a safe location (such as C:\) and add the folder to your PATH variable.

Build the project from source code

  1. Click on the hShip2.Source.zip file and then unzip it, or clone the repository via git (run git clone https://github.com/h3nry-d1az/hShip2.git in CMD or PowerShell ).
  2. Then compile it using cargo (if you don't have Rust installed go here) using the command cargo build --release if you want to build just the binary or run cargo install --path . to install it.

Easiest method (requires Rust installed )

  1. Just run the command cargo install --git https://github.com/h3nry-d1az/hShip2.git and wait for it to finish.



hShip ][, like its previous version, is an infinite spaceship game in which your task will be to kill the aliens by shooting missiles at them while avoiding them to kill you in the same way.

For every enemy you kill you will get 100 points, and when you get 2000 you will get an extra life.

Normal controls

Key Action
W / Move the ship up
A / Move the ship left
S / Move the ship down
D / Move the ship right
Speed up the screen with the story (at the beginning of the game)
Esc Quit the game (at the beginning or on the game over screen)

Debugging controls

Key Action
E Add 100 points to score
Q Toggle the "is the game ready?" variable

Some screenshots

Title screen

Regular game

Definitely not a regular game

Game over screen

I hope you enjoy it and if so, please leave a positive review, give the project a star and share it, it would help me a lot.