
Run one off job on kubernetes from the command line tool

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kube-job is a command line tool to run one off job on Kubernetes. The feature is

  • Override args argument, namespace, docker image and resources in a kubernetes job template, and run the job.
  • Wait for completion of the job execution
  • Get logs from kubernetes pods and output in stream

This is a command line tool, but you can use job as a package. So when you write own job execition script for Kubernetes, you can embed job package in your golang source code and customize task recipe. Please check the godoc.


$ wget https://github.com/h3poteto/kube-job/releases/download/v0.7.0/kube-job_v0.7.0_linux_amd64.zip
$ unzip kube-job_v0.7.0_linux_amd64.zip
$ ./kube-job help
Run one off job on kubernetes

  kube-job [command]

Available Commands:
  help        Help about any command
  run         Run a job on Kubernetes
  version     Print the version number

      --config KUBECONFIG   Kubernetes config file path (If you don't set it, use environment variables KUBECONFIG)
  -h, --help                help for kube-job
  -v, --verbose             Enable verbose mode

Use "kube-job [command] --help" for more information about a command.


kubeconfig file

At first, you have to prepare kuberenetes config file. If you are using kubectl, you can use the same file.

apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
    server: https://example.com
    certificate-authority-data: certificate
  name: kubernetes
- context:
    cluster: kubernetes
    user: hoge
  name: hoge
current-context: hoge
kind: Config
preferences: {}
# ...

Job template

Next, please write job template file. It can be the same as used for kubectl, as below:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: example-job
  namespace: default
    app: example-job
        app: example
      - name: alpine
        image: alpine:latest
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        args: ["env"]
          - name: HOGE
            value: fuga
            memory: "64Mi"
            cpu: "250m"
            memory: "128Mi"
            cpu: "500m"
      restartPolicy: Never
  backoffLimit: 2

metadata.name,metadata.namespace, spec.template.spec.containers[0].args, spec.template.spec.containers[0].image and spec.template.spec.containers[0].resources are overrided when you use kube-job.

Why override name?

Kubernetes creates a job based on the job template yaml file, so if you use kube-job more than once at the same time, it is failed. Because Kubernetes can not register duplicate job name.

But, I think the usecase of kube-job, then I think that sometimes users want to use kube-job more than once at the same time for another commands. So it is necessary to make it possible to perform multiple activation.

As a solution, kube-job adds random string to the name of the job.

Run a command

Please provide Kuberenetes config file, job template yaml file, and command. The container parameter receives which container do you want to execute the command.

$ ./kube-job run --config=$HOME/.kube/config --template-file=./job.yaml --args="echo fuga" --container="alpine"
fuga --image="alpine:latest" --resources='{"requests":{"cpu":"250m"},"limits":{"cpu":"500m"}}'

You can optionally add --namespace to override namespace on the job template or --image to override the container image

Specify an URL as a template file

You can specify an URL as a template file, like this:

$ ./kube-job run --template-file=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/h3poteto/kube-job/master/example/job.yaml --args="echo fuga" --container="alpine"

If your template file is located in private repository, please export personal access token of GitHub. And please use an API URL endpoint.

$ export GITHUB_TOKEN=hogehogefugafuga
$ ./kube-job run --template-file=https://api.github.com/repos/h3poteto/kube-job/contents/example/job.yaml --args="echo fuga" --container="alpine"


The user to be executed needs the following role.

apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: Role
  name: job-user-role
- apiGroups: [""]
  verbs: ["get", "list", "delete", "deletecollection"]
  resources: ["pods", "pods/log"]
- apiGroups: ["batch"]
  verbs: ["create", "get", "delete"]
  resources: ["jobs", "jobs/status"]


The package is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.