
Primary LanguageAssembly


Hello World

section .text 
    global _start 
_start : 
        mov rax, 1 
        mov rdi, 1 
        mov rsi, _str 
        mov rdx, 14 

        mov rax, 60 
        mov rdi, 0
section .data
    _str db "Hello, world",0xa

to run :

$ nasm -f elf64 hello.asm -o hello.o 
$ ld hello.o -o hello 
$ ./hello 

Principal of everything we are doing is same as ARM ASM

Calling conventions

Calling conventions

  • .text section

    • We are using syscall code for write (1) to print on screen. So we set rax to 1 to set syscall code
    • set arg0 i.e fd using rdi register - 1 (stdout)
    • set arg1 i.e buf (what to write) using rsi register- _str
    • set arg2 i.e size_t count (count of characters) - 14 using rdx register
    • then syscall using syscall

    thats it for write() but what about exit

    • set rax register to 60 (syscall code for exit)
    • set rdi register to 0 (return value)
    • syscall
  • '.data' section

    • we use _str is the label name db which stands for define bytes, 0xa is for a newline char


section .text 

global _start 
_start : 
    mov rax, 60 
    mov rbx, 5
    mov rdi, 10
    add rdi, rbx 
    syscall  ; this should output 15

output :

$ ./bin/mov_add 
$ echo $?
  • syscall mode - exit (syscall code = 60)
  • we can use any register because we are not using anything like write() where reg. matters
  • rbx = 5
  • rdi (return code) = 10
  • rdi = rdi + rbx = 10 + 5 = 15
  • syscall