
pgconsole is a Web Application Assessment tool curently under development

Primary LanguageRuby

####### www.pentestgeek.com ######################
pgconsole is an open source web applicaiton assessment framework.
It is also a work in progress.  

---require gems-------
nokogiri (1.5.0)
mechanize (2.4)

Lead developer/s
R3dy - royce.e.davis@gmail.com
zeknox - mccann.brandon@gmail.com

Add IP Address enumeration
Add dir/file brute forcing
Add interact with web forms
Finish writing Sitemap generateion functionality
Build module to test for XSS
Build module to test fo SQLi
Build module to grab HTTP Methods
Build module to bruteforce directories
Add database support
Build more modules!!!
Take over the world, Muahahahaha!

To run:

-Type 'help' for a list of options.
-To spider a host, type 'spider' then provide a URL
  NOTE: the url must be a full path 'http://www.pentestgeek.com'