
RSS Final Task

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Home Library Service



git clone https://github.com/h4cktivist/nodejs2024Q1-service.git

Installing NPM modules

npm install

Running application

In the root directory create a file named .env and declare the PORT variable there. For example:


Then use:

npm start

The server will run on http://localhost:PORT



  • GET /user - get all users
  • GET /user/:id - get single user by id
  • POST /user - create user. Body is required:
      "login": string,
      "password": string
  • PUT /user/:id - update user's password. Body is required:
      "oldPassword": string,
      "newPassword": string
  • DELETE /user/:id - delete user


  • GET /artist - get all artists
  • GET /artist/:id - get single artist by id
  • POST /artist - create artist. Body is required:
      "login": string,
      "grammy": boolean
  • PUT /artist/:id - update artist. The same body as in POST is required
  • DELETE /artist/:id - delete artist


  • GET /album - get all albums
  • GET /album/:id - get single album by id
  • POST /album - create album. Body is required:
      "name": string,
      "year": number,
      "artistId": string | null // refers to Artist
  • PUT /album/:id - update album. The same body as in POST is required
  • DELETE /album/:id - album artist


  • GET /track - get all tracks
  • GET /track/:id - get single track by id
  • POST /track - create track. Body is required:
      "name": string,
      "artistId": string | null // refers to Artist
      "albumId": string | null // refers to Album
      "duration": integer
  • PUT /track/:id - update track. The same body as in POST is required
  • DELETE /track/:id - album track


  • GET /favs - get all favorites
  • POST /favs/track/:id - add track to the favorites by its id
  • DELETE /favs/track/:id - delete track from favorites
  • POST /favs/album/:id - add album to the favorites by its id
  • DELETE /favs/album/:id - delete album from favorites
  • POST /favs/artist/:id - add artist to the favorites by its id
  • DELETE /favs/artist/:id - delete artist from favorites


After application running open new terminal and enter:

To run all tests without authorization

npm run test

To run only one of all test suites

npm run test -- <path to suite>

To run all test with authorization

npm run test:auth

To run only specific test suite with authorization

npm run test:auth -- <path to suite>