Simple bot for Discord written in Python3 to be ran on a linux based environment with FFmpeg installed
Download and extract ffmpeg:
Add the ffmpeg/bin
to your path
Run ffmpeg -version
to make sure it's working
Fork the project and modify it as needed.
Export the discord bot's token export DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN=token-here
Run the project as python3
Refer to requirements.txt
!update: Updates the bot from github
Note: Requires the user to be an Administrator
- usage: !update
!reset: Restarts the bot
Note: Requires the user to be an Administrator
- usage: !reset
!ping: Returns the ping
- usage: !ping
!echo: Returns the input
- usage: !echo arg1 arg2
- arg1: int
- arg2: string
- example: !echo 5 "Hello World"
!votemute: Initiates a vote, where users can reply with "yes" or "no".
All votes are stored in a dictionary and voters in a list.
Only allows one voting session to run at a time, and only collects
unique votes.
- usage: !votemute arg1
- arg1: string, Discord mention
- example: !votemute @JohnDoe#1234
!voteunmute: Initiates a vote, where users can reply with "yes" or "no".
All votes are stored in a dictionary and voters in a list,
only allows one voting session to run at a time, and only collects
unique votes.
- usage: !voteunmute arg1
- arg1: string, Discord mention
- example: !voteunmute @JohnDoe#1234
!giverole: Gives the user a role with default permissions
- usage: !giverole arg1 arg2
- arg1: string
- arg2: html color code
- example: !giverole "black" #000000
!removerole: Removes a role from the user
- usage: !removerole arg1
- arg1: string
- example: !removerole "black"
!wordcloud: generates a wordcloud from the last 5000 messages sent in the server
these messages are retreived from the built in cache of the bot,
restarting the bot or a crash will clear this cache!
- usage: !wordcloud
!emoji: Returns the input text replaced with emojis
- usage: !emoji arg1
- arg1: string
- example: !emoji "I want 10 apples"
!wolfram: Returns the result from wolframalpha based on client input
- usage: !wolfram arg1
- arg1: string
- example: !wolfram "what is the temperature of the sun"
!wolfram_image: Returns the result as an image from wolframalpha based on client input
- usage: !wolfram_image arg1
- arg1: string
- example: !wolfram_image "graph of y=x^2"
!google: Returns a random google image from the top 5 results based on keywords
- usage: !google arg1
- arg1: string
- example: !google "street car"
!youtube: Plays the audio from a YouTube video
- usage: !youtube arg1
- arg1: string
- example: !youtube ""
!disconnect: Disconnects the bot from a voice channel
- usage: !disconnect
- arg1: string
!flip: Returns heads or tails, emulates a coin flip
- usage: !flip
!copypasta: Saves the input text to a text file, to be recalled later
- usage: !copypasta arg1 arg2
- arg1: string
- arg2: string
- example: !copypasta "python" "Python is a great programming language"
!pasta: Returns the text saved with !copypasta
- usage: !pasta arg1
- arg1: string
- example: !pasta "python"
!oof: Plays the audio from /sounds/oof.m4a
- usage: !oof
!meme clown: Returns an image with text added from the user input
- usage: !meme clown arg1
- arg1: string
- example: !meme clown "funny generic text"