
A fun and feature rich chat bot for Discord that uses APIs to solve math problems and play music

Primary LanguagePython

Turkey Bot

Simple bot for Discord written in Python3 to be ran on a linux based environment with FFmpeg installed


Download and extract ffmpeg: https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/ffmpeg-git-full.7z
Add the ffmpeg/bin to your path
Run ffmpeg -version to make sure it's working
Fork the project and modify it as needed.
Export the discord bot's token export DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN=token-here
Run the project as python3 bot.py


Refer to requirements.txt


!update: Updates the bot from github
Note: Requires the user to be an Administrator

  • usage: !update

!reset: Restarts the bot
Note: Requires the user to be an Administrator

  • usage: !reset

!ping: Returns the ping

  • usage: !ping

!echo: Returns the input

  • usage: !echo arg1 arg2
  • arg1: int
  • arg2: string
  • example: !echo 5 "Hello World"

!votemute: Initiates a vote, where users can reply with "yes" or "no".
All votes are stored in a dictionary and voters in a list.
Only allows one voting session to run at a time, and only collects
unique votes.

  • usage: !votemute arg1
  • arg1: string, Discord mention
  • example: !votemute @JohnDoe#1234

!voteunmute: Initiates a vote, where users can reply with "yes" or "no".
All votes are stored in a dictionary and voters in a list,
only allows one voting session to run at a time, and only collects
unique votes.

  • usage: !voteunmute arg1
  • arg1: string, Discord mention
  • example: !voteunmute @JohnDoe#1234

!giverole: Gives the user a role with default permissions

  • usage: !giverole arg1 arg2
  • arg1: string
  • arg2: html color code
  • example: !giverole "black" #000000

!removerole: Removes a role from the user

  • usage: !removerole arg1
  • arg1: string
  • example: !removerole "black"

!wordcloud: generates a wordcloud from the last 5000 messages sent in the server
these messages are retreived from the built in cache of the bot,
restarting the bot or a crash will clear this cache!

  • usage: !wordcloud

!emoji: Returns the input text replaced with emojis

  • usage: !emoji arg1
  • arg1: string
  • example: !emoji "I want 10 apples"

!wolfram: Returns the result from wolframalpha based on client input

  • usage: !wolfram arg1
  • arg1: string
  • example: !wolfram "what is the temperature of the sun"

!wolfram_image: Returns the result as an image from wolframalpha based on client input

  • usage: !wolfram_image arg1
  • arg1: string
  • example: !wolfram_image "graph of y=x^2"

!google: Returns a random google image from the top 5 results based on keywords

  • usage: !google arg1
  • arg1: string
  • example: !google "street car"

!youtube: Plays the audio from a YouTube video

!disconnect: Disconnects the bot from a voice channel

  • usage: !disconnect
  • arg1: string

!flip: Returns heads or tails, emulates a coin flip

  • usage: !flip

!copypasta: Saves the input text to a text file, to be recalled later

  • usage: !copypasta arg1 arg2
  • arg1: string
  • arg2: string
  • example: !copypasta "python" "Python is a great programming language"

!pasta: Returns the text saved with !copypasta

  • usage: !pasta arg1
  • arg1: string
  • example: !pasta "python"

!oof: Plays the audio from /sounds/oof.m4a

  • usage: !oof

!meme clown: Returns an image with text added from the user input

  • usage: !meme clown arg1
  • arg1: string
  • example: !meme clown "funny generic text"