
A module to test if NODE_ENV match a string/RegExp or one in array of string/RegExp

Primary LanguageJavaScript


NPM Version Travis Build

Utility to test the value of the NODE_ENV system variable.


Add node-env-match as a project dependency

$ npm install node-env-match --save

Require and use it is really simple

// Suppose you run your app with
// NODE_ENV=simple-test

var nodeEnvMatch = require('node-env-match');

// you can use a string argument
nodeEnvMatch("simple-test") // => true
nodeEnvMatch("test") // => false

// or a regular expression
nodeEnvMatch(/simple-test/) // => true
nodeEnvMatch(/test/) // => true

// or array of strings/reg-exp
// it returns true if at least one matches
nodeEnvMatch(['test',/test/]) // => true
nodeEnvMatch(['test',/tost/]) // => false

You can see more examples in test/node-env-match file.


$ npm test


MIT © Andrea Tarquini