
K8S operator for Azure VMSS/VM for automatic repair and update

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Azure Kubernetes Autopilot

license DockerHub Quay.io Artifact Hub

Kubernetess service for automatic maintenance of an Azure cluster.

  • auto repair (repair nodes if NotReady; VM and VMSS support)
  • auto update (update VMSS instances automatically to latest model; only VMSS)

Supports Azure AKS and custom Azure Kubernetes clusters.

Supports shoutrrr notifications.

(Successor of azure-k8s-autorepair)


  azure-k8s-autopilot [OPTIONS]

Application Options:
      --log.debug                                                  debug mode [$LOG_DEBUG]
      --log.devel                                                  development mode [$LOG_DEVEL]
      --log.json                                                   Switch log output to json format [$LOG_JSON]
      --dry-run                                                    Dry run (no redeploy triggered) [$DRY_RUN]
      --instance.nodename=                                         Name of node where autopilot is running [$INSTANCE_NODENAME]
      --instance.namespace=                                        Name of namespace where autopilot is running [$INSTANCE_NAMESPACE]
      --instance.pod=                                              Name of pod where autopilot is running [$INSTANCE_POD]
      --azure.environment=                                         Azure environment name (default: AZUREPUBLICCLOUD) [$AZURE_ENVIRONMENT]
      --repautoscaler.scaledown-locktime=                          Prevents cluster autoscaler from scaling down the affected node after
                                                                   update and repair (default: 60m) [$AUTOSCALER_SCALEDOWN_LOCKTIME]
      --kube.node.labelselector=                                   Node Label selector which nodes should be checked
      --lease.enable                                               Enable lease (leader election; enabled by default in docker images)
      --lease.name=                                                Name of lease lock (default: azure-k8s-autopilot-leader) [$LEASE_NAME]
      --repair.crontab=                                            Crontab of check runs (default: @every 2m) [$REPAIR_CRONTAB]
      --repair.notready-threshold=                                 Threshold (duration) when the automatic repair should be tried (eg.
                                                                   after 10 mins of NotReady state after last successfull heartbeat)
                                                                   (default: 10m) [$REPAIR_NOTREADY_THRESHOLD]
      --repair.concurrency=                                        How many VMs should be redeployed concurrently (default: 1)
      --repair.lock-duration=                                      Duration how long should be waited for another redeploy (default: 30m)
      --repair.lock-duration-error=                                Duration how long should be waited for another redeploy in case an error
                                                                   occurred (default: 5m) [$REPAIR_LOCK_DURATION_ERROR]
      --repair.azure.vmss.action=[restart|redeploy|reimage|delete] Defines the action which should be tried to repair the node (VMSS)
                                                                   (default: redeploy) [$REPAIR_AZURE_VMSS_ACTION]
      --repair.azure.vm.action=[restart|redeploy]                  Defines the action which should be tried to repair the node (VM)
                                                                   (default: redeploy) [$REPAIR_AZURE_VM_ACTION]
      --repair.azure.provisioningstate=                            Azure VM provisioning states where repair should be tried (eg. avoid
                                                                   repair in "upgrading" state; "*" to accept all states) (default:
                                                                   succeeded, failed) [$REPAIR_AZURE_PROVISIONINGSTATE]
      --repair.lock-annotation=                                    Node annotation for repair lock time (default:
                                                                   autopilot.webdevops.io/repair-lock) [$REPAIR_LOCK_ANNOTATION]
      --update.crontab=                                            Crontab of check runs (default: @every 15m) [$UPDATE_CRONTAB]
      --update.concurrency=                                        How many VMs should be updated concurrently (default: 1)
      --update.lock-duration=                                      Duration how long should be waited for another update (default: 15m)
      --update.lock-duration-error=                                Duration how long should be waited for another update in case an error
                                                                   occurred (default: 5m) [$UPDATE_LOCK_DURATION_ERROR]
      --update.lock-annotation=                                    Node annotation for update lock time (default:
                                                                   autopilot.webdevops.io/update-lock) [$UPDATE_LOCK_ANNOTATION]
      --update.ongoing-annotation=                                 Node annotation for ongoing update lock (default:
                                                                   autopilot.webdevops.io/update-ongoing) [$UPDATE_ONGOING_ANNOTATION]
      --update.exclude-annotation=                                 Node annotation for excluding node for updates (default:
                                                                   autopilot.webdevops.io/exclude) [$UPDATE_EXCLUDE_ANNOTATION]
      --update.azure.vmss.action=[update|update+reimage|delete]    Defines the action which should be tried to update the node (VMSS)
                                                                   (default: update+reimage) [$UPDATE_AZURE_VMSS_ACTION]
      --update.azure.provisioningstate=                            Azure VM provisioning states where update should be tried (eg. avoid
                                                                   repair in "upgrading" state; "*" to accept all states) (default:
                                                                   succeeded, failed) [$UPDATE_AZURE_PROVISIONINGSTATE]
      --update.failed-threshold=                                   Failed node threshold when node update is stopped (default: 2)
      --drain.kubectl=                                             Path to kubectl binary (default: kubectl) [$DRAIN_KUBECTL]
      --drain.enable                                               Enable drain handling [$DRAIN_ENABLE]
      --drain.delete-emptydir-data                                 Continue even if there are pods using emptyDir (local emptydir that will
                                                                   be deleted when the node is drained) [$DRAIN_DELETE_EMPTYDIR_DATA]
      --drain.force                                                Continue even if there are pods not managed by a ReplicationController,
                                                                   ReplicaSet, Job, DaemonSet or StatefulSet [$DRAIN_FORCE]
      --drain.grace-period=                                        Period of time in seconds given to each pod to terminate gracefully. If
                                                                   negative, the default value specified in the pod will be used.
      --drain.ignore-daemonsets                                    Ignore DaemonSet-managed pods. [$DRAIN_IGNORE_DAEMONSETS]
      --drain.pod-selector=                                        Label selector to filter pods on the node [$DRAIN_POD_SELECTOR]
      --drain.timeout=                                             The length of time to wait before giving up, zero means infinite
                                                                   (default: 0s) [$DRAIN_TIMEOUT]
      --drain.wait-after=                                          Wait after drain to let Kubernetes detach volumes etc (default: 30s)
      --drain.dry-run                                              Do not drain, uncordon or label any node [$DRAIN_DRY_RUN]
      --drain.disable-eviction                                     Force drain to use delete, even if eviction is supported. This will
                                                                   bypass checking PodDisruptionBudgets, use with caution.
      --drain.retry-without-eviction                               Retry drain without eviction if first drain failed
      --drain.ignore-failure                                       Ignore failed drain and continue with actions [$DRAIN_IGNORE_FAILURE]
      --notification=                                              Shoutrrr url for notifications (https://containrrr.github.io/shoutrrr/)
      --server.bind=                                               Server address (default: :8080) [$SERVER_BIND]
      --server.timeout.read=                                       Server read timeout (default: 5s) [$SERVER_TIMEOUT_READ]
      --server.timeout.write=                                      Server write timeout (default: 10s) [$SERVER_TIMEOUT_WRITE]

Help Options:
  -h, --help                                                       Show this help message

for Azure API authentication (using ENV vars) see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/developer/go/azure-sdk-authentication

for Kubernetes ServiceAccont is discoverd automatically (or you can use env path KUBECONFIG to specify path to your kubeconfig file)


(see :8080/metrics)

Metric Description
autopilot_repair_count Count of repair actions
autopilot_repair_node_status Node status
autopilot_repair_duration Duration of repair task
autopilot_update_count Count of update actions
autopilot_update_duration Duration of last exec

AzureTracing metrics

see armclient tracing documentation