
GameSense.Cloud & h4xr0x.cc ::: Spirithack by neverlose.cc ::: hacked by h4xr0x :::: full dox

GameSense.Cloud & #h4xr0x.cc ::: #Spirithack by neverlose.cc ::: hacked by h4xr0x ::

#Correction Spirit hack redist is the SpiritHack Cheat; the pastebin.zip is due to wget error: credits for the artwork goto nepo,


wget -x -T 5 -e robots=off -r --level='inf' --auth-no-challenge --keep-session-cookies -mkEpnp spirithack.me/*--no-hsts --user-agent='Mozilla/5.0 Gecko/20050511 Firefox/1.0.4\n' --keep-session-cookies --retr-symlinks --no-cache -x --follow-ftp -H *.neverlose.cc/*

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                 Last Updated: TODAY @ 06:15 (06:15 AM) CESTUpdated to Spirit Version: v4.4.0                                                  
                            SpiritHack.me                    Neverlose.cc

GameSense.Cloud & #h4xr0x.cc ::: #Spirithack by neverlose.cc ::: #hacked by h4xr0x ::




AA Modes,

  • Adaptive
  • Aggressive
  • Defensive
  • Low Delta

Custom AA,

  • Yaw Offset (Min - Max)
  • Delta Limit (Min - Max)
  • LBY Limit (Min - Max)
  • Desync On Shot

Conditional AA,

  • Conditions,
    • Standing
    • Walking
    • Running
    • In Air
    • Crouching
  • Options,
    • Presets
    • Modes (Randomized, Random Jitter)
    • Yaw Offset (Min - Max)
    • Delta Limit (Min - Max)
    • LBY Limit (Min - Max)
    • Desync On Shot

Dodge Bruteforce (Also known as Anti Bruteforce),

  • Recovery Delay
  • Delta Logic 1
  • Delta Logic 2
  • Delta Logic 3
  • Console Debug

AA Features,

  • Legit Anti Aim on Use

  • Edge Yaw

    • Edge Yaw Distance (20-90)
  • Freestand if HP < X

  • Better Slow Walk (Fully Static)

  • Disable Slow Walk Sway

  • Customizable Fakelag

    • Modes (Fluctuate, Randomized)
    • Variance (2-30)
    • Min Limit (0-15)
    • Max Limit (0-15)
  • Pitch on land

    • Pitch Amount (-90-90
    • Recovery Delay (0.1-2.0)
  • Anti Backstab

    • Anti Backstab Range (150-500)

[Rage Bot]


  • Customize double tap speed

  • Change double tap process ticks

  • Improve double tap recharge

  • Recharge behavior (Instant, Smart, Adaptive)

  • HP / 2 on DT (Global, Scout, Auto Snipers, Desert Eagle)

  • Player List

    • Player (Player List of Enemies)
    • Condition (Ignore, Force Head, Force Safety, Priority Target)


  • In Air Hitchance (Global, Scout, Auto)

  • In Air Minimum Damage (Global, Scout, Auto)

  • Noscope Hitchance (Global, Scout, Auto)

  • Noscope Minimum Damage (Global, Scout, Auto)

  • Baim on double tap

    • Modes (Disabled, Prefer, Force)
    • Weapons (Global, Scout, Auto)
  • Baim if HP < X

    • Modes (Disabled, Prefer, Force)
    • Weapons (Global, Scout, Auto)
    • HP (1 - 101)
  • Ideal Tick

  • Ideal Minimum Damage

  • Ideal Teleport Amount

  • Teleport Options (Teleport on Bind, Teleport in Air)

    • Teleport (Bind)
    • Teleport Delay (on bind)
    • Teleport In Air
    • Teleport Delay (in air)
  • Max Misses (1 - 10

  • Max Misses Options (Override Minimum Damage, Override Hitchance, Resolver Overrider)

  • Minimum Damage (0 - 130)

  • Hitchance (0 - 100)

  • Reset Delay

  • Extended Backtrack (Ideal Tick, Knife, Taser / Zeus, Scout, Auto Snipers, AWP)

  • Extended Amount (1 - 200)

  • Anti Defensive

  • Jump Strafe Fix (Jump Scout Fix)

Head & Body Conditions,

  • Body Conditions (Prefer & Force)

  • Standing

  • Walking (Slow walking)

  • Running

  • In Air

  • Lethal

  • Crouching

  • Holding E

  • Head Conditions (Prefer & Force)

  • Standing

  • Walking (Slow walking)

  • Running

  • In Air

  • Holding E

  • Dormant Aimbot

  • Minimum Damage

  • Ignore old dormant players


  • Added Movement Sync

    • Sync Options (Sync Movement, Sync Duck, Sync Fakeduck, Sync Scope)
    • Sync Method (Closest to Crosshair, Closest Teammate, Player List)
      • Player List (Player List of Teammates)
      • Update Player List
      • Available Players (Text)
    • Max Distance (0 - 500)
    • Customize Visuals
      • Custom Circle Size (5.0 - 30.0)
      • Active Color
      • Inactive Color
  • Synced Clantags (Spirit v1, Spirit v2)

  • Randomize Leg AA

  • Auto Disconnect

  • Auto GG

  • Custom Kill Say (with placeholders)

  • Airstuck

  • Setup Commands

  • Graphic Optimization

  • Custom Player Model

    • Enable Custom Player Model
    • Custom Player Model Path
    • Change Agent Model
    • Agent Name (All models in the game)
  • Custom Buy Bot

  • Primary Weapon (Normal Guns)

  • Secondary Weapon (Pistols)

  • Equipment (Gear)

  • Instant Buy Bot (will buy items on the same tick the round starts (doesn't work in mm))

  • Activate Buy Bot (Button)

  • Crouch on Jump

  • Crouch Bind (to fix crouching in air while crouch on jump is active)

  • Player Mute

  • Automatic Actions (Mute all, Unmute all)

  • Mute all (button)

  • Unmute all (button)

  • Disable Ragebot Features (Round End, Warmup)

    • Disable Rage Bot
    • Disable Anti Aim
    • Disable Fake Lag
    • Disable Leg Slide
  • Kill Say (Spirit, English, German, Russian, Swedish, Multi Language, Custom) (over 500 sentences)

  • Custom Phrase

  • Chat Logger (will print hitlogs to your chat).

  • Chat Logger Prefix

  • Chat Spammer

  • Spam in Global chat, Team chat or Radio chat.

  • Spam Delay.

  • Round Say (will send a message at the start of every round)

  • Chat Reply (replies everyone's messages in chat, immune to server commands).

  • Disable Chat (disables the chat for self).


  • Indicator Modes (Advanced, Ideal Yaw, Desync)

  • Box Indicator

  • X Pos

  • Y Pos

  • Primary Color

  • Secondary Color

  • Rainbow Color

  • Exploits Indicator

  • X Pos

  • Y Pos

  • Primary Color

  • Secondary Color

  • Rainbow Color

  • Trails

    • Trails Size
    • Trails Length
    • Trail Type (Old School, purplelaser1, white, purpleglow1)
  • Menu Border (renders a border around your menu).

  • Menu Border Custom Size and Color

  • Menu Border Rainbow Color

  • Menu Blur

  • Menu Blur Color

  • Menu Tint (renders a background around your menu, and outside the menu if you want).

  • Menu Tint Custom Size and Color

  • Menu Tint Rainbow Color

  • Hit & Miss Counter

  • Text Color

  • Background Color

  • X Position

  • Y Position

  • Reset Delay (1.0 - 60.0 Seconds)

  • Reset Color (button)

  • Reset Positions (button)

  • Rainbow Menu

  • Rainbow Chams (Visible)

  • Rainbow Chams (Through Walls)

  • Rainbow Night Mode

  • Rainbow SkyBox

  • Rainbow Fog

  • Set Rainbow Alpha for every setting above

  • Custom Console Color

  • Spread Circle

  • Hide Hud

  • Rainbow Line (renders a rainbow line at the top of your screen).

  • Custom Size and Speed

  • Watermark (Two Styles)

  • First Person on Grenade

  • Custom Scope Line

  • Scope line Lenght

  • Scope Line Offset

  • Bullet Tracers

  • Bullet Tracer Hitmarker

  • Remove Ragdolls

  • Right & Left Hand Conditions

    • Weapon Hand
    • Pistol Hand
    • Grenade Hand
    • Knife Hand


  • Target Selection,

    • Selection Method (Player List, Custom)
      • Player List,
        • Target (List of all Players)
        • Update Player List
        • Available Players (Text)
      • Custom,
        • Custom Username (Textbox)
  • Fake Recevial,

    • Receival Type (Trading, Case Unboxing)
    • Item Name
    • Paint Kit
    • Rarity (Covert, Classified, Restricted, Mil-spec)
    • Include Star
    • Include StatTrak
    • Send
  • Messages,

    • Fake Messages (Fake Ban, Fake Kick)
    • Misc Messages (Idiot checklist, Crosshair, Toxic in colors, Cck, VAC-ation, Pnis, France, Poland, Sweden, Malta, Russia, Soviet, Switzerland)
    • Send Message
  • Sounds,

    • Fake Sounds (Moan, Cheer, Escorting Hostages, Hostage Down, Guardian RoundStart, Guardian Halfway, Guardian Victory)
    • Send Sound
  • Rainbow Text,

    • Rainbow Text Phrase
    • Send
  • Miscellaneous,

    • Clear Chat


  • Code,
    • Config Code (Textbox)
    • Export Config
    • Import Config
  • Saves,
    • Config List
    • Load Config
    • Save Config (Confirm Button)
    • Delete Config (Confirm Button)
  • Editor
    • Save As (Textbox)
    • Create Config




[Anti Aim]

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