
How I hacked gamesense.pub/forums | skeet.cc crack


How I hacked gamesense.pub/forums | skeet.cc crack

https://h4xr0x.cc https://discord.gg/2wtnBmKCKh - "Get Good or hack GameSense" - hack FACTS by h4xr0x - The following exploit is true an can be reproduced. to re-build the entire gamesense project

//What is Data Source Name (DSN)?++

Sentry automatically assigns you a Data Source Name (DSN) when you create a project to start monitoring events in your app.

//What the DSN Does

The DSN tells the SDK where to send the events. If this value is not provided, the SDK will try to read it from the SENTRY_DSN environment variable. If that variable also does not exist, the SDK will just not send any events.

In runtimes without a process environment (such as the browser) that fallback does not apply.

//Where to Find Your DSN

If you forget your DSN, view Settings -> Projects -> Client Keys (DSN) in sentry.io.

//The Parts of the DSN

The DSN configures the protocol, public key, server address, and project identifier. It is composed of the following parts:


(For example:)

$JavaScript: Sentry.init({"https://app.getsentry.com/24287","source_map:"hidden-source-map",api_base:"https://api-iam.intercom.io",public_path:"https://js.intercomcdn.com/",sheets_proxy_path:"https://intercom-sheets.com/sheets_proxy",sentry_proxy_path:"https://www.intercom-reporting.com/sentry/index.html",install_mode_base:"https://app.intercom.com",sentry_dsn:"https://f305de69cac64a84a494556d5303dc2d@app.getsentry.com/24287",intersection_js:"https://js.intercomcdn.com/intersection/assets/app.js",intersection_styles:"https://js.intercomcdn.com/intersection/assets/styles.js",article_search_messenger_app_id:27,mode:"production",priv_sep_html_path:"https://www.intercom-reporting.com" });

Has the following DSN settings generate production build packages & resources for the skeet.cc / gamesense Project:

URI = https://app.getsentry.com/24287 Source Map = api-iam.intercom.io Secret Key = f305de69cac64a84a494556d5303dc2d Project ID = 24287

✓ The resulting POST request for a plain JSON payload would then transmit to = # https://f305de69cac64a84a494556d5303dc2d@app.getsentry.com/24287

  • The secret part of the DSN is optional and effectively deprecated. While clients will still honor it, if supplied, with the origional release, future versions of Sentry will entirely ignore it.

//Why? I'm a nice guy. Join us if you wanna be left out of any of the red wave coming

When I released gamesense.pub/forums, Some People assumed it was fake. I assumed they were dumb. There's partial truth to both as I staged some public activities as to socially engineer or reverse engineer big egos with tiny brains to obtain secrets such as (DSN). This is how I have the staged | production | and release build of skeet.cc, gamesense.pub, forum, loader, and cheat source. This was publically given to everyone 10 months ago, and contains what is explained @ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/h4xrOx/gamesense.pub/main/forums/wscum25h

$#:For source reliability inquries you can contact me (i'll reply) no im not he but he who owns him @ Mohamed Wisham, Phone Number: +0778800469 or Discord: Wsh#6699 Emails: wish@gamesense.pro, i@wish.mv Sites/Domains Owned: https://wish.mv/, https://wish.tf/ Gamesense: wish | UID: 415 | Title: Moderator (Gamesense support) Aliases: Wish, Wsh, WishSense, Skid, -Skid, -Wish, -Wsh+

https://gamesense-pub.azurewebsites.net/ image




