
Go pastebin HTTP server

Primary LanguageGoBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


This is a simple Go HTTP server and router that interacts with a MongoDB database to handle requests that allow for the creation, update, deletion and reading of "pastes".

Pastes are essentially files stored with some metadata in a MongoDB document with the following structure:

    _id:        ObjectId("..."),
    UUID:       String,
    Content:    []String,
    FileType:   String,
    ExpiresAt:  DateTime,
    AccessKey:  String,


Before you can run an instance of the paste-server locally you must first set up and configure (only one command) a MongoDB instance see here.

First clone this repo and enter into the directory

git clone https://github.com/h5law/paste-server
cd paste-server

Then create a config file (by default paste-server will look for it at $HOME/.paste.yaml) containing the MongoDB connection URI for the database you have set up

echo "uri: <your connection URI here>" >> ~/.paste.yaml

Then install all dependencies

go mod tidy

Finally build the binary

go build -o paste-server

Now you can run ./paste-server to see detailed usage info or to just simply run the server

./paste-server start

To set up the server to run as a daemon with systemd see here


The config file is by default $HOME/.paste.yaml and is the same file used both for a paste-server instance and the paste-cli tool. It can be pointed to any YAML file using the -c/--config flag.

The config file MUST contain the uri variable - the MongoDB connection string but can also contain app_env a string of either development or test which will make the instance use the LetsEncryptStagingCA if present otherwise it will use the LetsEncryptProductionCA if app_env is not set or set to anything other than test or development when using the -t/--tls flag.

uri: <MongoDB connection uri string>
app_env: <development/test/(production -- optional not needed)>
url: <URL for paste-cli to use if not using the hosted instance at https://pastes.ch>


The paste-server.service file contains a systemd service script used to daemonise the paste-server instance. It requires the binary to be built and moved to /usr/local/bin/paste-server and requries the config file containing the MongoDB connection URI string to be saved at /etc/paste.yaml unless changed.

By default the service file will start on port 80 as root. You will need to make sure that your firewall has this port open for TCP connections (or for any port that you use). With firewalld you would run:

sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=<PORT>/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
sudo firewall-cmd --list-all

Make sure that the executable and config files have the right permissions:

sudo chown root:root /usr/local/bin/paste-server /etc/paste.yaml
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/paste-server
sudo restorecon -rv /usr/local/bin/paste-server
sudo chmod 644 /etc/paste.yaml

Make sure to run sudo restorecon -rv /etc/systemd/system/paste-server.service after moving the file so that systemd will recognise it - then run

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start paste-server
sudo systemctl enable paste-server


For those users who don't want to use the paste cli tool you can build a Preact SPA and have the paste-server serve this prebuilt file on the routes / and /{uuid} by specifying the static file directory for the built assets.

Firstly clone the paste-site repo:

git clone https://github.com/h5law/paste-site

This requires NodeJS version 16.16.0 or higher. Then go into the directory install all its dependencies and build the static assets:

cd paste-site
npm i
npm run build

Now it is important to remember to use the --spa-dir flag when running the paste-server or no frontend will be provided on / and /{uuid} will give a simple plaintext file. For example:

paste-server start -v --spa-dir="/var/www/paste-site/build" --config="/etc/pastes.yaml"

And if running as a daemon add the --spa-dir flag to the Exec line:

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/paste-server start -v -p 80 -l /var/log/paste-server --spa-dir <PATH TO DIR> -c /etc/paste.yaml


When starting the server in TLS mode make sure that you use the --domain/-d and --email/-e flags to set the domain of your site and the email to use for the certificate or the server will not start properly.

Currently HTTP GET requests are forwarded to HTTPS but POST, PUT and DELETE requests are not.

I used the definition of the HTTPS function from caddyserver's certmagic github documentation to implement the TLS server with the ability to gracefully shutdown the server using the same context as with the http server which was a great help!


When setting up the database there are a few things you must do, ensure you are not using the "pastes" database or "files" collection namespaces already as this is what the server will be using. Secondly create an index as follows:

use pastes
db.files.createIndex( { "expiresAt": 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: 0 } )

This will automatically remove pastes when their expiration date is reached. By default the server will use a period of 14 days but this can be altered.


The server supports CRUD operations on the database. Upon creating a paste the response will contain a field named accessKey - this is required for all PUT and DELETE operations. Without the access key the paste cannot be updated or deleted prematurely.

PUT, GET and DELETE http methods for a paste will use the URL: /{uuid} which will find the correct paste based on its unique identifier. But POST uses the URL: /. All details of the paste are passed in the request body. Accepted fields are:

    "content":      []String,
    "filetype":     String,
    "expiresIn":    Int,
    "accessKey":    String,

URLS + Requests

The paste-server instance will expose the following urls:

  • /api/new
  • /api/{uuid}
  • /{uuid}
  • /{uuid}/raw
  • /

The /api routes are used by the paste-cli tool to preform CRUD operations and can be used to send HTTP requests to interact with the instance without the paste-cli tool.

  • POST /api/new
    • Requires JSON body containing at least content field of an array of strings, a file split at new-lines
    • Optionally can include filetype, and expiresIn fields which default to plaintext and 14 respectively
    • Returns a JSON object containing the accessKey, expiresAt, and uuid fields
  • GET /api/{uuid}
    • Returns JSON object containing the content, filetype and expiresAt fields
  • UPDATE /api/{uuid}
    • Requires JSON body containing any changes to content, filetype, or a new expiresIn value as well as the accessKey field
    • By default the paste will be updated to expire in another 14 days after the update so use expriesIn with any changes made to ensure a longer or shorter life
  • DELETE /api/{uuid}
    • Requires the JSON body containing only the accessKey field
    • Returns a message confirming the pastes deletion

The /{uuid} route (when no directory for a built frontend SPA has been provided with the --spa-dir flag of the start command) will make use of a simple plaintext site that neatly prints the contents of GET /api/{uuid} and all its fields. /{uuid}/raw does the same but only shows the content field - this works whether --spa-dir is given or not.

With the --spa-dir flag set / will serve the Preact SPA built in the directory given by the --spa-dir flag and will allow for new pastes to be created through the homepage of the site. It also handles the /{uuid} route and allows for updates and deletes to be made through the front end site. To see more about the Preact SPA check out this repo