
Kaldi based Malayalam spoken digit recognizer. Mirror of https://gitlab.com/kavyamanohar/malayalam-spoken-digit-recognizer

Primary LanguageShell

This is a kaldi based recipie for Malayalam digit recognition. You need a working Kaldi directory to run this script.

Details on how to run this script and the working is described here.

To install Kaldi, see the documentation here

The source code of Malayalam-ASR-for-digits has to be placed in the /egs directory of Kaldi installation directory.


/raw has all the data available at the beginning of the project

  • /wav (wave files. File names are of the form utteranceID.wav)
    • /train
    • /test
  • /text(transcript of wave files by the name utteranceID.lab)
    • /train
    • /test
  • /language
    • /lexicon (the phonetic transcript of words in the language vocabulary)


To extract the features from audio clips, run the following script.


It prepares the data and extract features as described below.


From the /raw directory a /data directory is created with the following contents. This representation is important for further processing with kaldi tools.

  • /data
    • /train

      • utt (List of utterance IDs)
      • wav.scp (Utterance IDs mapped to absolute wavefile paths)
      • spk (List of speaker IDs)
      • utt2spk (List of utterences corresponding to a speaker)
      • spk2utt (Speaker mapped to every utterance ID)
    • /test

      • utt (List of utterance IDs)
      • wav.scp (Utterance IDs mapped to absolute wavefile paths)
      • spk (List of speaker IDs)
      • utt2spk (List of utterences corresponding to a speaker)
      • spk2utt (Speaker mapped to every utterance ID)


MFCC features are extracted and stored in .ark format in /mfcc directory. CMVN tuned features are also in the same directory in .ark format. The absolute filepaths of these ark files corresponding to each speaker (for cmvn) and for each utterance (for raw mfcc) are stored in corresponding .scp files. This needs the data prepared in the previous step.

  • /mfcc
    • raw_mfcc_train.ark
    • raw_mfcc_test.ark
    • cmvn_train.ark
    • cmvn_test.ark
    • raw_mfcc_test.scp
    • raw_mfcc_train.scp
    • cmvn_train.scp
    • cmvn_test.scp

In parallel /data/train and /data/test are also populated with cmvn.scp and feats.scp

The log files for these feature extraction process are stored in /exp/make_mfcc in separate sub directories

  • /exp/make_mfcc
    • /test
      • log files
    • /train
      • log files


To create the n-gram language model, run the following script. Note that it uses the data folders previously prepared by the $./extractfeatures script. So make sure you run that script prior to $./createLM.sh


It prepares the data and n-gram language model as described below.


It runs on the training data directory. From the /raw data directory of transcrips create files of utterenceID, speech trascript, and their mapping files.

  • /data
    • /train
      • textutt (List of utteranceIDs. It is currenty same as utt)
      • trans (List of all transcripts)
      • text (UtteranceID to transcript mapping)
      • lm_train.txt (Lit of utterances with sentance begin and end markers. This the file used for n-gram LM creation)

From the /raw data directory of language vocabulary lexicon, a list of phones in /data/local/dict

  • /data
    • /local
      • /dict
        • extra_phones.txt
        • extra_questions.txt
        • lexiconp.txt
        • lexicon.txt
        • nonsilence_phones.txt
        • optional_silence.txt
        • phones.txt
        • silence_phones.txt

N-gram language model creation

Once the data is ready n-gram language model can be created. Here it is done using IRSTLM toolkit. It produces language model in ARPA format. Final language model in FST format, G.fst is available in /data/lang_ngram/G.fst.


To run the script for training and decoding,


There are different options for training and Decoding.

  • monophone
  • triphone
  • triphone LDA
  • triphone SAT

TESTING the model

Once training is done, there will be decoding graphs available in /exp directory.

Decoding will display corresponding word error rate (WER) and Sentance error rates (SER) in percentage



TRANSCRIBE your Speech

If you have an audio clip of Malayalam digit utterance, you can transcribe it using the trained model in /exp. Keep your audio file in wave format in /inputaudio directory and run,


The result will in ./inputaudio/transcriptions/one-best-hypothesis.txt