
A convenient wrapper for the hCaptcha JS SDK

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

hCaptcha Loader

This is a JavaScript library to easily configure the loading of the hCaptcha JS client SDK with built-in error handling. It also includes a retry mechanism that will attempt to load the hCaptcha script several times in the event if fails to load due to a network or unforeseen issue.

hCaptcha is a drop-replacement for reCAPTCHA that protects user privacy.

Sign up at hCaptcha to get your sitekey today. You need a sitekey to use this library.

  1. Installation
  2. Implementation
  3. Props
  4. Legacy Support


npm install @hcaptcha/loader


import { hCaptchaLoader } from '@hcaptcha/loader';

await hCaptchaLoader();

  sitekey: '<your_sitekey>'

const { response } = await hcaptcha.execute({ async: true });


Name Values/Type Required Default Description
loadAsync Boolean No true Set if the script should be loaded asynchronously.
cleanup Boolean No true Remove script tag after setup.
crossOrigin String No - Set script cross origin attribute such as "anonymous".
scriptSource String No https://js.hcaptcha.com/1/api.js Set script source URI. Takes precedence over secureApi.
scriptLocation HTMLElement No document.head Location of where to append the script tag. Make sure to add it to an area that will persist to prevent loading multiple times in the same document view.
secureApi Boolean No false See enterprise docs.
apihost String No - See enterprise docs.
assethost String No - See enterprise docs.
endpoint String No - See enterprise docs.
hl String No - See enterprise docs.
host String No - See enterprise docs.
imghost String No - See enterprise docs.
recaptchacompat String No - See enterprise docs.
reportapi String No - See enterprise docs.
sentry Boolean No - See enterprise docs.
custom Boolean No - See enterprise docs.

Legacy Support

In order to support older browsers, a separate bundle is generated in which all ES6 code is compiled down to ES5 along with an optional polyfill bundle.

  • polyfills.js: Provides polyfills for features not supported in older browsers.
  • index.es5.js: @hcaptcha/loader package compiled for ES5 environments.

Import Bundle(s)

Both bundles generated use IIFE format rather than a more modern import syntax such as require or esm.

// Optional polyfill import
import '@hCaptcha/loader/dist/polyfills.js';
// ES5 version of hCaptcha Loader
import '@hCaptcha/loader/dist/index.es5.js';

hCaptchaLoader().then(function(hcaptcha) {
    var element = document.createElement('div');
    // hCaptcha API is ready
    hcaptcha.render(element, {
        sitekey: 'YOUR_SITE_KEY',
        // Additional options here


To handle typescript with ES5 version, use the following statement.

declare global {
  interface Window {
    hCaptchaLoader: any;


The hCaptcha Loader targeted for older browsers can also be imported via CDN by using UNPKG, see example below.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="https://unpkg.com/@hcaptcha/loader@latest/dist/polyfills.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="https://unpkg.com/@hcaptcha/loader@latest/dist/index.es5.js"></script>
<div id="container"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
    hCaptchaLoader().then(function(hcaptcha) {
        // hCaptcha API is ready
        hcaptcha.render('container', {
            sitekey: 'YOUR_SITE_KEY',
            // Additional options here