
The stack that don't sacrifice performance over the love of Typescript.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Elysia x Vite

The stack that statisfy both backend and frontend developer.


  • Proper build system
  • Proper DX

1. Summmary

At the backstage, with the undeniable speed of Bun, and Elysia the main wrap. This template include its convenient interface (named eden) for supporting a type-safe development, and this template also have a react-query like hook.

In the very front, we have a React SPA app. Though you might know it meant bad SEO, but this stack aim for high interactivity like "dashboards". The template also came with a Vite config that helps you utilize your static bundle size by using esm.sh, which is highly recommended (by us) for being cache-utilization (the seconth load like nothing to the client, less internet redundancies, though dependent)

2. How fast it is

The backend, which powered by Bun, should achieve the benchmark they pointed out

The frontent, though SPA, it should achieve 100 lighthouse performance score on a small website. It may depends on your code, dependencies, (and your early layout-shift too).

3. Known issues

  1. document not exist, typecheck not working properly
    • just //@ts-ignore it, there is no hurt
    • or make it in pure JS, and make a typedef