BandDetection v.1.0

This script was created to analyze gel electrophoresis images.

Input: Gel electrophoresis image. Outputs: Distance matrix; Dendogram(s); Dendograms in text file nwk format; Created by: Cindy Ulloa & Hector Ruiz; Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia


  1. Open and run script in Matlab(R)
  2. Select gel image file
  3. Select the observed band color.
  4. Crop the image to the area where bands are located.
  5. Draw a rectangle over the first well using the mouse.
  6. Select the option to add more lanes* At least two lanes must be selected; Rectangle must cover desired lane width; Lane height is automatically selected.
  7. When all lanes are selected choose the option "Done".
  8. Select the methods with which you wish to generate dendograms.