autosaver for xiongmai-software ip cameras via p2p cloud account (use NetSDK)

Primary LanguageC++


autosaver for xiongmai-software ip cameras via p2p cloudID (use NetSDK)

Almost all Chinese cameras use Xiongmai software. Unfortunately, no program clients (like XMeye, ICSee etc.) allows you to download all videos from ip camera storage to your hdd(instead, it is suggested to buy cloud storage). So this VS project use C++ Xiongmai NetSDK to connect and automatically download records from camera day by day.

How To Use

  1. To connect to your ip dvr via Xiongmai CloudID you need to fill following hardcoded fields in main function:
char hostname[64] = "16wordsannumbers";     // hostname is a hardcoded ip dvr's CloudID
char username[NET_NAME_PASSWORD_LEN] = "admin";     // username = login to acces your dvr
char password[NET_NAME_PASSWORD_LEN] = "password";     // password = password (surpisingly)
  1. Choose downloading folder, changing it in downloadFromTo function. Default downloading folder hardcoded as "C:\".

  2. To set the start download date, write it to a log.txt file and put it in IPCAS.exe folder.
    log.txt time format is YYYY.MM.DD_hh.mm.ss (example 2021.01.01_06:00:00).
    The end download date will be current system time (or you can hardcode it in main function).

P.S. Note, that NetSDK.dll and StreamReader.dll should be next to IPCAS.exe file.

Dependencies (or How To Dev)



This Visual Studio project contains all necessary dependencies to run "from the box". If you want to change something, I added a netsdk folder with manual and some x64 NetSDK C++ libraries for this project that I once found on the Internet.
Now seems like they can't be found anymore, so if you text me, I can additionally share full С++/С# NetSDK libraries, template projects and manuals.

P.S. The manual is older than dll, so some functions may not be described