
Primary LanguageLua

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 ░██  ░██░██░░░░ ░██   ░██ ░░████  ░██ ░██ ░██ ░██
 ███  ░██░░██████░░██████   ░░██   ░██ ███ ░██ ░██
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📦 Manager

  • lazy.nvim - 💤 lazy.nvim is a modern plugin manager for Neovim.


💻 Code

🧰 Tools & Tree-sitter

🔎 Finders & Explorers

🛠️ Git

🌈 Colorschemes

  • folke/tokyonight.nvim - A dark and light theme.
  • ellisonleao/gruvbox.nvim - A port of gruvbox community theme to lua with treesitter and semantic highlights support!
  • catppuccin/nvim - Catppuccin is a community-driven pastel theme that aims to be the middle ground between low and high contrast themes

🎨 UI

🚧 Misc