Ansible role to setup custom iptables rules

How to use role

Just put role code in roles/ directory and include it from playbook. This role doesn't set Iptables Policy to DROP but suggest to use REJECT it's considered more polite way. To make it working every host should have following variable set

  - { table: 'INPUT', cmd: "-m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED", action: 'ACCEPT', comment: 'Connection State'}
  - { table: 'INPUT', cmd: "-i lo", action: 'ACCEPT', comment: 'Allow lo'}
  - { table: 'INPUT', cmd: "-p icmp --icmp-type echo-request", action: 'ACCEPT', comment: 'Icmp echo-request'}
  - { table: 'INPUT', cmd: "-p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply", action: 'ACCEPT', comment: 'Icmp echo-reply'}
  - { table: 'INPUT', cmd: "-m tcp -p tcp --dport 22 -s -m state --state NEW", action: 'ACCEPT', comment: 'SSH'}
  - { table: 'INPUT', cmd: "-m tcp -p tcp --dport 5666 -s -m state --state NEW", action: 'ACCEPT', comment: 'NRPE MON'}
  - { table: 'INPUT', cmd: "", action: 'REJECT --reject-with="icmp-host-prohibited"', comment: 'REJECT everything else'}
  - { table: 'FORWARD', cmd: "", action: 'REJECT --reject-with="icmp-host-prohibited"', comment: 'REJECT everything else'}

with this rules for given host will be replaced by rules from host_iptables_rules