
Channel primitive for OrbitDB that can be used to create 1-to-1 to 1-to-n State Channels

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Channel Database for OrbitDB

Channel primitive for OrbitDB that can be used to create 1-to-1 to 1-to-n State Channels, for example a Payment Channel.

Status: Experimental

  // Create a state channel
  // <tx hash> is the blockchain transaction hash where the channel was created/announced
  // <creator id> is the ID of the node that created the channel, eg. the payer in case of Payment Channel
  // <max allowed spending> the maximum allowed amount of currency that can be spend in this channel
  await db.create(<tx hash>, <creator id>, <max allowed spending>)
  // Update the state
  const finalTx = await db.send({ amount: 1 })
  // Close the channel
  await db.close(finalTx)

See ChannelIndex.js for how the logic and verification of a (payment) channel could work and ChannelStore for the API. See also OrbitDB Channel Tests.